Emanuele (ESS), Alessandro (CERN), Mikel (Tekniker), Hayley (ISIS) High intensity SC Linac for Energy Amplifier aka: HiSCLfEA CAS High power hadron machines, bilbao 2011 Emanuele (ESS), Alessandro (CERN), Mikel (Tekniker), Hayley (ISIS)
Outline Goal Existing Facilities Solution Overview Components Reliability Location Summary
Design Parameters Conceptual design of an Accelerator Driven System (ADS) for energy production in subcritical reactor as well as for transmutation of nuclear waste. To achieve this goal we propose a CW proton facility capable to feed the reactor with 30 MW proton beam at 1 GeV.
Existing Facilities KURRI (ADSR Kyoto, Japan) MYHRRA (Belgium) Research at Los Alamos (USA) Research at TRASCO (Italy)
General Layout Super-conducting Linac Source RFQ DTL SC Linac Target 340 m 3,5 m 20 m 300 m Source RFQ DTL SC Linac Target LEBT MEBT 50 keV 3 MeV 50 MeV 1 GeV
Proton Source Modelled on ECR Proton Source Proton Source Output Energy 50 keV Frequency 2.45 GHz Max Beam Current 30 mA Aperture 8 mm Normalised Emittance 0.1 π mm mrad
RFQ 4-vane RFQ RFQ Input Energy 50 keV Output Energy 3 MeV Frequency 352 MHz Max Beam Current 30 mA Power Consumption 500 kW Length 3.5 m
DTL (or Spokes...) Robust concept derived from Linac4 and adapted to CW operation DEsign DTL Input Energy 3 MeV Output Energy 50 MeV Frequency 352 MHz Max Beam Current 30 mA Power Consumption 2 MW Length 20 m
SC Linac 3 Sections of Elliptical Cavities at β-constant β = 0.45 β = 0.45 Input Energy 50 MeV Output Energy 200 MeV Frequency 704 MHz Max Beam Current 30 mA Power Consumption 10.5 MW Length 70 m
SC Linac 3 Sections of Elliptical Cavities at β-constant β = 0.62 β = 0.62 Input Energy 200 MeV Output Energy 500 MeV Frequency 704 MHz Max Beam Current 30 mA Power Consumption 12 MW Length 80 m
SC Linac 3 Sections of Elliptical Cavities at β-constant β = 0.8 β = 0.8 Input Energy 500 MeV Output Energy 1000 MeV Frequency 704 MHz Max Beam Current 30 mA Power Consumption 22.5 MW Length 150 m
Target and sub-critical Reactor Beam Energy 1 GeV Beam Power Up to 30 MW ADS Power Consumption 50 MW Spallation Target Pb - Bi Thermal Power 800 MW Effective Electric Power 220 MW Sub-criticality 0.95
Reliability Requirements Required Reliability Reliability Requirements Number of Trips < 3 trips per year Loss < 10E-6 loss per meter Minimum Time Between Failures (MTBF) > 250 hours
Suggested Location World’s most nuclear producing/consuming countries… 75.2% 63236 MW 28.9% 47348 MW 101229 MW 20.2% Power the accelerator with “clean” energy Transmutate French nuclear waste Return power to the grid
Summary ADS Parameters Required Existing Facilities Super-conducting Linac Solution Reliability Facility Location Thank you for listening, any questions?