English Listening and Composition Prof. Shao Guangqing Shaoguangqing@gmail.com Sep., 2013 영어 청취와 작문
Contents Unit two Descriptive Paragraphs Part 1 Stimulating ideas Picture description- “The Portrait of Ade” Descriptive organization Part 2 Outlining Outlining- “The long life of my grandfather’s car”
Stimulating ideas In a descriptive paragraph, the writer uses words to create an image and help the reader ___, ____, ___, ___, or ___ the topic that he or she is describing. taste see touch smell hear
Picture-description The Portrait of Ade
thick/wavy Long/black thick/wavy Long/black thick/wavy Long/black thick/wavy Long/black thick/wavy Long/black thick/wavy Long/black thick/wavy Long/black thick/wavy Long/black diamond- shaped diamond- shaped white white white white white white white white golden suntan Smooth/clear golden suntan Smooth/clear golden suntan Smooth/clear Small/puffy pink Small/puffy pink Small/puffy pink Small/puffy pink Small/puffy pink Small/puffy pink Small/puffy pink slightly arched chestnut brown slightly arched chestnut brown slightly arched chestnut brown slightly arched chestnut brown curved curved curved curved curved curved large/deep blue large/deep blue large/deep blue large/deep blue large/deep blue
Ade is as beautiful as a Hollywood star Ade is as beautiful as a Hollywood star. Her thick, wavy, long black hair gracefully falls down to her shoulders and encircles her diamond-shaped face. A golden suntan usually brings out her smooth, clear complexion and high cheek bones. Her slightly arched chestnut brown eyebrows highlight her emotions by moving up and down as she reacts to her world around her.
Her large deep blue eyes, remind me of a lake on a stormy day Her large deep blue eyes, remind me of a lake on a stormy day. Her curved nose gives her a little girl look that makes me want to smile when she talks. And her mouth is a small mouth outlined by puffy lips that she often accentuates with glossy pink lipstick. When she smiles, which is often, her well formed and even, white teeth brighten up her whole face. I guess you can tell that I am head over heals in love with Ade.
Descriptive organization topic sentence The ______________ in a descriptive paragraph introduces the item that the writer will describe. It may also include the writer’s general feeling or opinion about the item. (Ade is) as beautiful as a Hollywood star.
Descriptive organization The _________________ give some background information about the item; or they may give descriptive details about the item; Or, they may describe in more detail how the writer feels about the item. supporting sentences
Descriptive organization The _________________ restates the idea in the topic sentence using different words. TS: Ade is as beautiful as a Hollywood star. CS: I guess you can tell that I am head over heals in love with Ade. concluding sentence
The Long Life of my Grandfather’s Car Outlining The Long Life of my Grandfather’s Car
I own a car that has special meaning for me because it belonged to my grandfather. When he was a young man, he saved money so he could buy a beautiful car to use on trips around the country. He finally bought a Cadillac convertible. It was white and blue with silver trim. There were white circles on the tires, and it had a powerful horn that made people jump out of his way. The seats were also white, but the dashboard was black. The steering wheel had a brown leather cover.
The mats were gray and always clean The mats were gray and always clean. My grandfather took very good care of the car, and after he died my uncle gave it to me. I am very happy because it still has the original motor, and body is intact. If it has problems, I will fix it myself. I plan to take very good care of my grandfather’s car because someday I will use it to travel to all the states and cities that my grandfather visited when he was a young man.
Trim트림 자동차를 차급에 따라 몇 등급으로 나누어 구분한 명칭 dashboard (승용차의) 계기판
belonged to my grandfather Completing an outline Topic sentence Item the author describes: ______________________________. The author’s general feeling about the item: __________________________________ _____________________________. a Cadillac convertible car It has special meaning to me because it belonged to my grandfather
Completing an outline Supporting sentences Background information about the item __________________________________ ____________________________. Descriptive details about the item __________________________________. Details about the author’s feeling When still a young man, grandfather saved money and and bought it for trips around the country. white/blue/silver trim/white circles of tires/ powerful horn white seats/black dashboard/brown/gray clean mats I am very happy: original motor, intact body
Completing an outline Concluding sentence Restated idea: ___________________________ _______________________________________. Some day, I will use it to travel to the places my grandfather visited
Writing an outline Topic sentence Supporting sentences What are you going to describe?___________________. What is your general feeling about it? _______________. Supporting sentences Write some notes about the background or history of it. ___________________________________________. What are some details you can use to describe it? ___________________________________________. What are some details you can use to describe your feelings about it? _____________________________. Concluding sentence Restate the idea in the topic sentence: ________________.
Homework Choose ONE of your favorite places to visit, and write an OUTLINE for a descriptive paragraph. Then develop your outline into a descriptive paragraph. Hand in your homework on Sep. 27 (during the Friday class).
My favorite place to visit ________________________ Homework Part 2 Part 1 Outline Topic sentence topic: General feeling about the topic: Supporting sentences Background information: Details that describe the topic: Details that describe how you feel about the topic: Concluding sentence My favorite place to visit ________________________