Riverside County office of Education County CALPADS network CALPADS Fall 2 submission Brian Sousa – Administrator II, Student Data and Achievement Student Programs and Services Division
Fall 2 Presentation Overview Fall 1 – Quick Update Fall 2 in a Nutshell New to Fall 2 Educator Effectiveness Grant (2016) Establishing Stakeholders Reconciling HR Systems with SIS to Ensure Quality Submission
Quick Update on Fall 1 CDE sent an communication about LCFF totals being potentially inaccurate Problem revolves around foster youth counts Emails to impacted LEAs went out while most of us were on vacation Impacted LEAs urged to decertify and recertify submission Role of the county on LCFF counts
Quick Update on Fall 1: Continued Recommend signing up for the listserv if not signed up (CALPADS LEA Admins, CBOs, District Instructional Leaders, Cabinet Members) To sign up: Go to the CDE CALPADS page http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/ Click the Listservs link Click Subscribe to CALPADS LEA-Listserv and follow directions There is also a CASEMIS to CALPADS Listserv if you have not already subscribed
Fall 2 In a Nutshell Fall 2 is consisted of different file submissions Staff demographics Staff job assignments Course sections Course section enrollments It answers basic questions about the district Who are our certificated and admin staff? What do they do? What classes do they teach? What students are in those classes?
Fall 2 In a Nutshell: Continued How is it used? To collect staff information for aggregate reporting to systems like DataQuest To populate information on our SARCs (School Accountability Report Cards) Recently used in block grant funding Set the stage for course completion in End of Year reporting
New to Fall 2 AB1012 – Courses with no educational content Now illegal in most cases Course codes created for exceptions 6021 – Student assistant 6022 – Free period Law is outlined in 51228.1 – 51228.3 of ed code
New to Fall 2: Continued Structure definitions for CTE industry sectors Arts Media and Entertainment Agriculture Likely that other sectors will follow suit in the following year
New to Fall 2: Continued Say goodbye to No Child Left Behind and hello to the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Highly qualified teacher status is a thing of the past Educator effectiveness is defined in ESSA, it is unknown how this will impact CALPADS New state accountability system has a college and career indicator (CCI) that looks at A-G, Dual Enrollment, CTE pathways, Merit Diplomas, and Biliteracy seals This will impact Fall 1, 2, and End of Year
Educator Effectiveness Grant One time block grant to provide staff development to certificated staff Used Fall 2 staff demographic and job assignment data to determine funding Funding determination methodology announced after certification of Fall 2 Unknown if the grant will continue into this year
Educator Effectiveness Grant: Continued Why this matters: Assumption that all staff is accounted for Further proof that CALPADS is the becoming gold standard for funding Growing confidence in the quality of our submissions Make sure you have a mechanism in place to catch everyone. “Itinerants and TOSAs and bears…oh my”
Establishing Stakeholders Personnel/HR – Active in FTE, demographics, job assignments Instructional Leadership – Active in the ongoing implementation of the accountability system and adoption of courses Business Officials – May need to project funding if grants are ongoing Any others?
SIS and HR Systems: Table Talk Let’s form groups Guiding question: How do you know your data is accurate? Helpful discussion points: What is your SIS? Your HR system? How are you notified of staff changes, movement, non- classroom based certificated staff? What is your process for engaging stakeholders?