END OF YEAR ASSIGNMENTS Due Dates… Energy Project Wednesday, June 1st midnight Science Demos June 7th-8th Portfolio & Extra Credit Thursday, June 9th Lab Notebook Due Friday, June 10th Scoreboard Due Monday, June 13th (Turn it in early for bonus points)
ENERGY PROJECT Steps 1-4 (50 pts) Go to whatsyourscience.com Click on “Science Class” then click on “Energy” & complete Initial Thoughts & steps 1-4 Email your teacher a screenshot of your “Global Footprint” after you complete Step 2 Show an adult your lab NB & get them to sign off each step for points on your scoreboard
ENERGY PROJECT step 5 (50 pts) Go to whatsyourscience.com Click on “Science Class” then click on “Energy” As a group decide who is what role Use resources provided to answer the questions for your role As a group make a pp with the following guidelines: Title slide, explanation of energy source, data, positives & negatives, closing “aha”, cited sources. (5-7 slides only), (5 minutes) Answers were complete (10 pts) Sources Were identified (10 pts) Contributed to the group (10 pts) Presentation included data (10 pts) Argument was convincing (10 pts)
Demo Days (50 pts) Pick 1 partner & sign-up on the board Decide on a demonstration (5-10 minutes) Get approval from your teacher Gather materials (Purchase what the school does not already have) Practice MAKE SURE… You can explain the science of your demo… Write about it on page 135 of your lab NB
SCIENCE IN MY LIFE (50 pts) COMING JUNE 2017 Enter 50 points just because we love you
PORTFOLIO (50 pts) Remove the Citizen Science Log in your portfolio and tape it into your Lab NB pg 137 Complete the Citizen Science Log & reflection questions (with parent signatures) Remove your Coversheets and tape them in the back of your Lab NB pg 139 + Remove everything else from the portfolio Show your teacher the last pages for initials & points on your scoreboard
EXTRA CREDIT!!!!!!! STUDENT QUESTION CARDS: (10 pts) Select a card from the box Look up the answer Write the answer on the card Show me & I will put 10 pts on your scoreboard LETTER TO A FUTURE STUDENT: (10 pts) Write a letter to a future student Explain what it takes to succeed Explain what they should expect in my class Have me put 15 pts on your scoreboard STUDENT SCIENCE RESUME (10): INSTRUCTIONS ARE IN Slide #9 & beyond
Getting Ready… Keep the Lab NB for high school review… Add up all of your points and enter them on the final score on the scoreboard Remove the scoreboard from the lab notebook and turn it in. Keep the Lab NB for high school review… Sign-up to be a Scholar Hour tutor next year… Congratulations… You’re done!!!!! Ashton Kutcher Teen Choice Award
SCIENCE STUDENT RESUME Initial Thoughts: What is an employer? What does “diverse,” & “well-rounded” mean? Why would employers care about your hobbies, grades, accomplishments, and skills?
SCIENCE STUDENT RESUME Dear science student, Have you figured out what YOUR science is yet? If not, keep searching. You have spent the last year learning much about you, science and many other subjects. All of this learning is relevant to your future. As I have said before, when you reflect on your learning you embed it deeper into memory. Below is a link to a PPT explaining “resumes.” Although it is a language arts skill, it is important to understand all subjects from different perspectives. It is also important to employers to have staff that is balanced, diverse and well rounded. Keep asking questions & focus on learning, (not grades). Good luck with your future! Your teacher, Ms. Hernandez
SCIENCE STUDENT RESUME Your assignment: You will create a resume designed for your 9th grade science teacher. Pretend as though they will be your future employer at a science research facility. (Meaning you really want to impress them).
SCIENCE STUDENT RESUME Follow these steps: View the video http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=videos+about+resumes&FORM=HDRSC3&adlt=strict#view=detail&mid=BD26B4A0ED4C469708DDBD26B4A0ED4C469708DD IN the S-drive under “End of Year assignments” Open the resume template in Word & save as Your name pd_ resume.
SCIENCE STUDENT RESUME HINTS & TIPS: What is an objective? This is where you state your goal or what you want. Example. “To obtain a position in the field of science education where I can contribute to student growth while fulfilling my potential.” What should I list under skills & experience? This is where you list the “I can…” statements found in your lab notebook. Example. “Describe a Bohr model.” “Use technology to present research projects.” “Explain the Law of Thermal Dynamics.” “Model positive, negative & neutral buoyancy.”
SCIENCE STUDENT RESUME Rules & Guidelines: Cannot be longer than 1 page Your contact info in the heading with full name Must include the following headings: Objective Skills/Experience Education Accomplishments/Hobbies
Resume Resources Resume Tutorial from Career Onestop Resume Writing Tips from Resume-Resource.com Sample Resumes from Jobstar.org
ARE FOR NEXT YEAR ONLY… (Don’t trip its all good) SLIDES AFTER THIS… ARE FOR NEXT YEAR ONLY… (Don’t trip its all good)
Have you ever wondered how things work? Or why they do what they do? INSTRUCTIONS: Write this question on the top of pg ____ in your lab notebook Fill in your Table of Contents With a friend, pick a toy to play with Inspect your toy and write about the parts of the system Play with the toy & observe Write notes about your observations 25 points ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS: 1. Is this an open or closed system? Why or why not? 2. What forces did you observe acting on the system? 3. How strong was the inertia of the object? 4. Identify at least 2 energy transfers or transformations? 5. Write a question you would ask Albert Einstein about how this works?