Ideas of 2nd Constitutional Period Turkish Nationalism CUP’s understanding of Feminism
Emergence of Turkish Nationalism
Competing Ideologies in 2nd Constitutional Period Ottomanism Islamism Turkism imperial state nationalism vs ethnic nationalism
The Impact of the Turkish Emmigres of Russian origin Turkism as an ideal solution to the problems of both Ottoman and Russian Muslims Emergence of Muslim bourgeoisie in Russia in the 19th century Idea of independence from Russia and unification among Turkish-speaking people Pan-Turkism as a reaction to pan-Slavism & Russian centralization policies in the Caucasus
Pan-Turkist Nationalists They were very active in Russia during the revolution of 1905 Influenced by political movements in Russia Yusuf Akçura Ahmet Ağaoğlu Hüseyinzade Ali İsmail Gaspirinski
Hüseyinzade Ali
İsmail Gaspirinski
Yusuf Akçura and İsmail Gaspirinski
Pan-Turkism At its early stage pan-Turkism carried bourgeois liberal ideals Modernizing the religion Amelioration of the status of women in Ottoman society Realization of economic and social development
‘Turkification’ Policies of CUP Cultural Turkism evolved into a political programme during the second constitutional period Associations Türk Derneği, Türk Bilgi Cemiyeti, Türk Ocağı Kırım Talebe Cemiyeti, Buhara Talebe Cemiyeti, Rusya Türk Talebe Cemiyeti Periodicals Genç Kalemler (new language), Türk Yurdu (pan-Turkist line), Halka Doğru (inspired by Narodnik discourse)
ZİYA GÖKALP Cultural nationalism Nation as a unity/bond based on common religion and culture – solidarity A synthesis of Turkish culture and Western civilization Distinction between civilization and culture Culture: past customs, language, religion Civilization: common heritage of humanity, material development National economy
Towards a National Economy 1908-1912 Economic Liberalism Merchant culture of Salonica Possible cooperation with European states Need of foreign investment and loans 1908 Austrian Boycott After the Balkan Wars Increasingly disturbed by the “comprador bourgeoisie” Searching for the loyal bourgeois class Greeks and Armenians were regarded as “agents of the West” What about the Jews? Homogenization of the society Muslim Boycott of 1913
Minister of Finance : Cavit Bey
Yusuf Akçura “If the Turks fail to produce among themselves a bourgeois class by profiting from European capitalism, the chances of a survival of a Turkish society composed only of peasants and officials will be very slim” Türk Yurdu 1917
Main Goals of CUP’s Policy of National Economy Accumulation of money in the hands of Muslims Creation of Muslim/Turkish bourgeoisie Developing the national industry Limiting the foreign intervention Mobilizing all resources, especially human resources, during times of wars