Respond to these questions in your Chapter 4 Learning Activity Packet AP US History Chapter 4 Questions Respond to these questions in your Chapter 4 Learning Activity Packet
1. Describe life in the early days of colonization in the Chesapeake Region.
2. Explain the importance of tobacco to the survival of the early colonies.
3. Where did tobacco growers turn to for a labor force?
4. How would the headright system perpetuate the aristocratic nature of the South?
5. What problems would arise as a result of using Indentured Servants as labor?
6. This brings us to Bacon’s Rebellion – Tell me the story…then tell me why it’s significant.
7. Besides Bacon’s Rebellion, what other forces were at work that increased demand for African slave labor?
8. Where did most African slaves come from and how did they get to America?
9. What were the purposes of the Slave Codes (like the VA Slave Code)?
10. Compare/Contrast slave life in the Chesapeake and the Deep South.
11. Read the article “From African to African American” on p 11. Read the article “From African to African American” on p.74-75 and answer the following: List the African traditions that poured into the new world with the arrival of the first African slaves in the 17th century. Why were the first slaves mostly male? When did American born slaves begin to outnumber imported slaves? Why would women slaves suffer more than men? How did slave religion differ from white Christianity? What are some other characteristics of slave religion?
12. How did the increase in the use of slavery contribute to the widening of the south’s social structure?
13. List several characteristics of the New England family.
14. What were the characteristics of a typical New England Town 14. What were the characteristics of a typical New England Town? Compare these characteristics to Erie.
15. Education in Colonial America Read the Document “The New England Primer” Respond to questions 1-3 at the end of the document
16. What does the Half-Way Covenant reveal about the power of the church in New England during the 1600’s?
17. Describe the 5 W’s of the Salem Witch Trials 17. Describe the 5 W’s of the Salem Witch Trials. What is significant about this episode in American history?