EPIC 2012 Live Case Presentation John S. Douglas Jr. Andrew Morse
Case 66 yo F with recently diagnosed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy , heart failure, and severe mitral regurgitation , syncopal episode led to hospitalization
Case Physical Exam GEN – NAD, A+Ox3 NECK – No JVD, bifid carotid pulse PULM – CTAB CV – RRR, 4/6 SEM, 3/6 holosystolic murmur radiating to the axilla, murmur accentuated with Valsalva EXT – No edema
Case Echo EF 75% , LVOF gradient 90 mm Hg , severe mitral regurgitation , PA pressure 90 mm HG , RV function normal , Septum 2.6 cm
Case This morning the patient feels great ; troponin 45 ECHO findings as follows LVOF gradient 17 mm Hg Moderate MR , PA pressure 40
The End