Vocabulary Level F Unit # 5.


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Vocabulary Level F Unit # 5

audio https://www.sadlier-oxford.com/vocabulary/iwords/Level_F/Unit_5/Vocabulary_LevelF_Unit5.mp3

amnesty (noun) pardon for an offense against the government; any act of forgiveness pardon I hope that she receives amnesty for her crime because it was truly an accident.

autonomy (noun) self-government; political control independence home rule self-governed Toddlers enjoy a sense of autonomy as soon as they begin to walk on their own.

axiomatic (adj) self-evident; expressing a universally accepted idea taken for grated obvious The passengers on the Axiom spaceship in the movie “Wall-e”, never questioned their axiomatic existence living in space for generations.

blazon (Verb) to adorn or embellish; to publish or proclaim widely broadcast trumpet She couldn’t wait to blazon her “In a Relationship” status on Facebook.

caveat (noun) a warning to prevent misunderstanding or discourage behavior word to the wise admonition The teacher tried subtle caveats to let the students know that they needed to settle down and get to work.

equitable (adj) fair, just, embodying principles of justice right reasonable even handed $50 for a day’s work washing windows seemed equitable.

extricate (verb) to free from entanglement; to remove with effort extract disentangle It took all afternoon to extricate the cat from the tree.

filch (verb) to steal, especially in a sneaky way. swipe purloin Pilfer I was shocked to discover he had been filching money from his little sister’s piggy bank,

flout (verb) to mock, treat with contempt sneer at scorn scoff at She flouted the Homecoming tradition and refused to wear a mum.

fractious (adj) unruly; quarrelsome, tending to be troublesome recalcitrant peevish One fractious student in a class can cause everyone to be miserable; it is best to remove him.

precept (noun) a rule of conduct or action principle maxim Mrs. Zellmer has rather strict precepts for classroom behavior.

salutary (adj) beneficial, helpful, healthful wholesome curative salubrious Daily exercise will have a salutary effect on your weight and stress levels.

scathing (adj) bitterly severe, causing great harm ferocious harsh searing After reading the scathing comments about the applicant, we certainly didn’t want to hire him.

scourge (verb) to whip or punish severely (noun) a cause of suffering flog beat plague pestilence You should not scourge the donkey to get him to behave. The one freshman in the group was a scourge to their mature conversation.

sepulchral (adj) typical of the tomb/grave; extremely gloomy doleful lugubrious mournful The sepulchral background music in the commercial made me even more depressed.

soporific (adj) tending to cause sleep (noun) something that causes sleep narcotic anesthetic My husband will not attend the ballet with me because he feels it is soporific.

straitlaced (adj) extremely strict in moral standards; prudish; puritanical overly strict stuffy The straitlaced student would not feel comfortable at a wild, permissive party.

transient George and Lennie were transient farm workers. (adj) lasting only a short time (noun) one who stays only a short time. impermanent ephemeral George and Lennie were transient farm workers.

unwieldy (adj) not easily carried or managed because of size or complexity cumbersome bulky impractical The giant sack of football equipment was too unwieldy for one guy to carry.

vapid (adj) dull, uninteresting; lacking in sharpness, flavor, or liveliness bland lifeless boring insipid I was totally bored by the play because most of the actors were just plain vapid.