WHAT IS IN SCOPE? Process for electing Shipper representatives to the UNC Panel, UNCC, UK Link Committee, Energy Balancing Credit Committee, DESC, RbD Audit and Standards of Service including: Nomination Process Shipper Voting Administration Notification Does not cover: Transporter “election” process Any changes to the role of Shipper representation – e.g. constituency representation etc Role of Shipper representatives at the Panel
WHY SHOULD THE ELECTION PROCESS BE IN THE UNC? Provides Transparency? Provides formal Governance process? Inclusivity? Gas Forum utilises Joint Office distribution lists to administer the process already Ensures impartiality? Consistent with other codes?
HIGHLEVEL PRINCIPLES Process should be administered by the Joint Office? Shipper nominations should be supported by an independent company Shipper nominations should be open for 4 weeks Shipper elections (if required) should be open for 4 weeks and should be completed by the last Business Day before the 24th of September. Votes can be submitted either by fax, email or post but have to be received by 17.00 on the last Business Day before the 24th of September. Only companies with a Shipper Licence should be eligible to vote Each company who is eligible to vote will only have 1 vote regardless of the number of Shipper Licences held
HIGHLEVEL PRINCIPLES CONT. Discretion will be provided to the Joint Office to decide whether a vote is eligible or not? In instances when voting eligibility is not clear the Joint Office if they wish can seek a view from the UNC Panel who will decide by simple majority? On completion of an election the Joint Office will notify the industry of the results including: Names of representatives Votes cast for each candidate (if applicable) Number of ineligible votes (if applicable)
GOVERNANCE OF PROCESS Referenced in UNC? Detailed process and rules to be incorporated as a UNC Related Document? Changes to process to follow same route as normal changes to UNC Related Documents?