The key to the success of a pastoral search is a good process: a process that is prayerful, well thought-through follows the protocols of your local church Bylaws, MCC Bylaws and the MCC Pastoral Search Process.
Transition: Roles and Responsibilities Pastoral Search in Interim/PSC model The Pastoral Search Committee presents a qualified candidate to the congregation for election as Pastor at a Congregational Meeting. Creates and adopts a process and timeline to complete its work Develops guiding policies, in writing, for how the committee will work together Develops and implements a plan for communicating a transparent process with the congregation while maintaining confidentiality of content regarding applicants. Consults with OCLH staff throughout the process
Composition of the Pastoral Search Committee 7 Members (recommended) of the Pastoral Search Committee 3 Members of the Board 4 Members elected by a Congregational Meeting Local Bylaws should specify PSC composition * * Note: SunCoast Cathedral MCC By Laws state the following in Article VII-Pastor, Section D, 1: “Composition of the Pastoral Search Committee – The Pastoral Search Committee shall consist of nine (9) members, including three (3) members of the Board of Directors and six (6) additional members elected at a Congregational Meeting.”
Pastoral Search Process Guidelines TRANSPARENCY OF PROCESS means that the congregation has a right to know what the process is, how to participate in the process, and what progress is being made in the process.
Pastoral Search Process Guidelines CONFIDENTIALITY OF CONTENT means that the congregation may not know who has applied for the position, the number of applications that have been received, the opinion held by the PSC or any PSC member regarding any applicant, or any other information regarding any of the applicants.
10 DESIRABLE QUALITIES FOR SEARCH COMMITTEE MEMBERS All members in good standing are eligible to serve on the search committee both "head smart" and "heart feeling” spiritual maturity and sensitivity ability to work well in a committee setting listening and communication skills discernment involvement in the ministries of the church and transitional work Administrative and leadership skills Understands the church’s overall vision and mission A positive enthusiasm for the task Have the time to commit and keep commitments and assignments
A KEY AWARENESS QUESTIONS FOR NOMINATING SOMEONE OR SELF-SELECTING TO STAND FOR SERVICE ON THE PSC: “Am I/IS he or she still emotionally reactive to previous pastoral leadership (settled or transitional)? If so, how might these emotions be reconciled/ healed before doing the work of the Pastoral Search?
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 1. The PSC develops a solid foundation for working together as a team. Foundational PSC Documents created on a retreat: Confidentiality Understanding and Agreement, Developing Committee Mandate, Ground Rules, Covenant, Avoiding Mistakes, and more).
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 2. The PSC develops a communications plan to keep the congregation fully informed of the search process and the committee’s progress. Refer to textbook pages 41 – 44. Remember, it is important to explain your committee’s process, you simply cannot divulge anything relating to candidates, i.e. name, numbers, etc. Over-communicate on where you are in the process and what steps are next. Share something every Sunday. Be creative.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 3. A Congregational study should be completed. The church’s history, strengths, challenges, visions, and calling needs must be well understood. An Interim Pastor is trained to assist with the studies to be done at this stage
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 4. A Congregational Packet based on the congregational study about your church along with an application will be sent to all potential candidates. This packet should reflect your church, ministry, leadership and more. Some churches are creating videos as well, which seem to be generating good responses.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 5. Develop a profile of the ideal candidate, include items that are non-negotiable. This could come from a survey and/or the congregational study and discussion of the PSC. This will assist you and your Mentor when it comes time to make decisions. You won’t find anyone who meets all of your ideal qualities and skills, but this will be a key document in helping with your candidate selection process.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 6. We have one Standard Pastoral Search model in use in MCC today. This is a slight change from even one year ago. When the committee is ready to receive applications, the OCLH is notified and an advertisement is created for the denominational website and social media posting, including a deadline for submission, contact information for the local PSC, and a link for Clergy to access the application packet. All applications are received by the PSC.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 7. After the deadline, the PSC will follow their agreed upon process for reviewing, vetting, interviewing, short-listing and ultimately choosing a candidate. As part of the vetting process, the names of applicants will be sent to the OCLH and the OFLD for a confidential eligibility review and consultation. The PSC will select only one clergy candidate to be presented to the congregation.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 8. In exceptional circumstances, another model of search may be needed with congregations, for ex. our largest churches may need more of an executive model, where the OCLH assists in creating a short-list for consideration. These only rarely happen anymore in MCC, with most PSCs and clergy preferring the above standard search model.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 9. Determine in advance what information you want from each candidate such as: a résumé/CV, answers to a series of questions, references, and a sermon/worship link, etc.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 10. Candidates will want to know information concerning the church, community and your pastoral search process. It is highly recommended that you set up a special Pastoral Search webpage with a written invitation to apply signed by the PSC; links to your search package and application documents; an invitational video if possible; and any other links that give context about your church, city and area. The idea here is to be as attractive as possible with authenticity about who you are in both your strengths and challenges.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 11. All interviewees must be made aware that completion of a Due Diligence Application (see attached sample) and subsequent submission to criminal background and credit checks (paid for by the church) will be required if they are selected as one of the top two candidates. The PSC must determine who will have access to the background report information, where it will be kept and for how long. This is highly confidential information.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 12. As candidates submit material: a. determine whether they fit your predetermined Clergy Profile and fit with your church’s Values, Vision and Mission; b. determine whether they understand how to work effectively with your church’s current size as well as the size you hope to grow into; c. systematically check all references being careful to standardize the questions asked; and d. contact your Mentor and ask them to contact others in the OCLH/OFLD who may know the candidate.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 13. The PSC develops a communication plan to keep all candidates informed regarding your timeline, and how you are progressing and their position within your process.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 14. The PSC chooses candidate(s) to be interviewed, after vetting applicants for eligibility with the OCLH and OFLD. The first interview is normally done via a conference call or video call (using Skype) utilizing a set of standardized questions. The PSC determines what candidate(s) stands out, using all information available and based on the pre-determined criteria.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 15. Send your top 1 or 2 candidates the Due Diligence Application. Once the candidates return the completed application proceed with criminal background and credit checks extending back at least five years. Also, finish checking with any and all references; follow-up with additional questions that may have arisen since your first contact.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 16. A second interview is typically done with the top candidate(s). When possible, an in- person, off-campus interview is best. Strict confidentiality must remain in effect until the PSC is ready to make the official announcement of their top candidate to the membership of the congregation.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 17. If indeed the PSC is able to make a consensus choice for their number one candidate, the candidate: should be asked to confirm her/his continuing interest. Provided the candidate does wish to be presented to the membership, the individual should be asked to put any other pastoral searches on hold pending the outcome of your congregation’s vote.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 18. Prepare well for the announcement of your candidate to the congregation. Do not publish or give out the candidate’s contact information. Consider putting together a pamphlet sharing why the candidate was selected and facts about the candidate.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 19. Candidating Weekend - Schedule, at least two weeks in advance, a week or extended weekend for the candidate to meet with the leadership and membership of the church. Offer a number of different activities involving as many of the members as possible. Be creative.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 19. Candidating Weekend (cont.) . The Board will also want to meet with the candidate to discuss any outstanding contractual issues (a draft should be negotiated before the weekend with the candidate.) This will also be a time for the candidate to preach and fully participate in worship. Remember that the candidate will need time to explore the community, look for possible housing and so forth.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 19. Candidating Weekend (cont.) . The candidate may also ask for some specific items for the visit. The church pays for all expenses: travel, housing and food. Do not put a candidate in someone’s home; a hotel would be most appropriate. It is wise (and considerate) to invite and cover the expenses of the candidate’s partner/spouse (if applicable) whenever possible
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 20. A special congregational voting meeting, should also be scheduled at least two weeks in advance, and held at the end or after the candidating week(end). If the voting meeting is not being held on the Sunday of the candidating week(end), which is the usual practice, it is courteous to the candidate to hold the vote no longer than a week later. The candidate and spouse do not attend the congregational meeting and the only item on the agenda is whether or not to elect Rev. __________ as the new pastor of MCC ____________. Be certain to have ascertained whether the candidate will accept the call to your church if elected.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 20. (cont.) If the vote does not meet the minimum percentage required in your local church Bylaws, notify the candidate and your Mentor without delay. If the candidate does not accept the vote or call of the congregation contact your Mentor and congregation without delay. If the candidate is elected and accepts the call, negotiate the start date and notify your congregation and your Mentor without delay.
The Work of the Committee: 21 Steps to a Successful Pastoral Search 21. The work of the PSC continues in helping to create a smooth pastoral transition. The work is finally completed at the conclusion of the Installation Service.
A million blessings on your search! *****