Politics of the Middle East Iran
People Iran is home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical settlements from 4000 BC Population 75 Million 61% Persian, majority Shi’ite Muslim 89%
Late History During WWI occupied by British, Russians and Ottomans Following the Russian Revolution Britain attempted to establish a protectorate, Failed 1925 Pahlavi Dynasty; Nationalism, Secularism, Westernisation 1941 Anglo Soviet Invasion 1946 Soviets withdraw, promises of oil concessions. Conditions revoked, and Soviet puppet state overthrown
1947 – 1951 Six different Prime Ministers 1951 Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq elected 1953 Operation Ajax Deposed Mossadeq Ruled as an autocracy with US support from that time. 1979 Iranian Revolution Muhomed Reza Shah overthrown
1979 Islamic Revolution Khomeini returned on 1 February 1979 Pahlavi left the country for exile in January 1979 velayat-e faqih, the idea advanced by Khomeini that everyone requires "guardianship", in the form of rule or supervision by the leading Islamic jurist
Iran Iraq War 1980 - 1988 Khomeini sought to export his Islamic revolution westward into Iraq, especially on the majority Shi'a Arabs. War continued until 1988 armistice 100,000 Iranian victims of chemical weapons attacks Iranian casualties 500,000 and 1,000,000. .
Government Theocratic Presidential Democracy Supreme Leader Assembly of Experts Guardian Council President Parliament Expediency Council
President Elected for 4 Years by universal suffrage Appoints Ministers, Drafts laws to be approved by Parliament, Approves laws drafted by Parliament Does not control the military Candidates Approved by Guardian Council
Parliament 290 members elected to 4 year terms. draft legislation, ratify treaties, approve national budget. candidates and all legislation from the assembly must be approved by the Guardian Council.
Guardian Council 12 jurists, 6 clerics appointed by Supreme Leader, 6 elected by the Parliament interprets the constitution, rejects bills incompatible with the constitution or Sharia approves candidates for national election
Expediency Council mediates disputes between Parliament and the Guardian Council Consists of the heads of the three government branches, clerical members of the Guardian Council and other members appointed by the supreme leader for three-year terms
Assembly of Experts 88 ‘virtuous and learned’ clerics Elected to 8 year terms Candidates must pass a written examination administered by the Guardian Council Meet twice annually Appoint and remove the Supreme Leader
Supreme Leader There have been only two; Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and Ali Khamenei Appointed and supervised by the Assembly of Experts Head of State with powers over defence and religious affairs Veto legislation Declare War and Peace with 2/3 approval of Parliament
Corps of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution Protect the Revolution and assist the ruling clerics in the enforcement of the new government's Islamic codes and morality Preventing foreign intervention, military coupe, border security 125K guards 90K Basiji militia Quds Force, special forces unconventional warfare roles providing assistance and training to various organizations around the world
Modern History 1989 On his deathbed Khomeini appointed a 25-man Constitutional Reform Council which named Ali Khamenei as the next Supreme Leader Rafsanjani served two 4 year terms focused efforts on rebuilding Iran's economy, cut military spending and normalized relations with neighbors Neutral during Gulf War I 1997 Mohammad Khatami. His presidency was defined by tensions between the reform- government and a conservative active clergy. re-elected 2001 ‘Dialogue of Civilizations’
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Elected 2005 62% of the vote 2009 Disputed elections Street Protests, Mir-Hossein Mousavi and his supporters alleged voting irregularities Hassan Rouhani elected 3 August 2013
Nuclear Negotiations P5 + 1 China, Russia, US, UK, France, Germany Points of contention Stockpiling Sanctions, Enrichment Resistance from US Congress
Current Affairs Iran play a significant role in Iraq Strong supporter of al Assad government Nominal support for Houthis in Yemen Saudi and Israel have successfully sold Iran and its proxy Hezbollah as a regional and global threat Rouhani wins recent election Nuclear deal under threat