Constructing Ideas in Physical Science CIPS Institute for Middle School Science Teachers Constructing Ideas in Physical Science Joan Abdallah , AAAS Darcy Hampton, DCPS Davina Pruitt-Mentle, University of Maryland
05/25/04 Session 4 Debriefing What do you remember from yesterday’s session (no peeking at text or notes)? What were the “essential questions” being asked/explored? What conclusions did “we” decide? What was/were the “underlying concepts/content” that the activities were after? AAAS/DCPS CIPS Workshop 8/2-8/13 COE Faculty Technology Institute
05/25/04 Deeper Questions What deeper questions could you envision students asking? What misconceptions or misinterpretations can you foresee? How or what would you say? AAAS/DCPS CIPS Workshop 8/2-8/13 COE Faculty Technology Institute
Electromagnetism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia K12 Electromagnetism and magnetism (good overview and history) Exploratorium Snacks Many mini demo’s and “labs” -some you can do with household products Discovery School project ideas Properties of Light good connection supplement with CIPS History of James Joule Brain Pop ThinkQuest The shocking truth about electricity Want To Learn More? AAAS/DCPS CIPS Workshop 8/2-8/13
Can We Apply What We Learned Yesterday? Class Activity Battery Power WHICH TILE CLEANER REMOVES SOAP SCUM THE BEST The Science of Water What Can Affect One’s Perception of Sound Why does junior tennis have such a high injury rate? Judge these using the rubric provided AAAS/DCPS CIPS Workshop 8/2-8/13
More Fun A Science Fair How Not to Guide Montykins Montykins Bogus Entries are Fair Game AAAS/DCPS CIPS Workshop 8/2-8/13