Rahmenbedingungen, Infrastruktur und Gestaltungsrichtlinien für Websites an der ETH Jakob Lindenmeyer & Phillip Rütsche Web Office der ETH Zürich www.weboffice.ethz.ch Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Accessibility Accessibility is defined as how easy a document on the web can be "used" by a client. The higher the requirements are, the less accessible a document is. Requirements include capabilities of the hard- and software deployed as well as the capabilities of the person trying to use the information provided in a document. Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
TIP Accessibility “Accessibility benefits all!” Accessibility ist nicht nur fuer Menschen mit Behinderungen wichtig! Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Ablauf Problematik Umfeld Loesungen Beispiele Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Ziel Ein gut zugaengliches ETH Web Kennen der relevanten Richtlinien Fruehzeitige Beruecksichtigung der Accessibility bei einem Redesign Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Problematiken von “fettem” Design “Low resource”-Geraete Mobile Devices Alte Software (Browser, Plug-In’s) Menschen mit Behinderungen Vorschriften, Richtlinien, Gesetze Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
“Low resource”-Geraete Aeltere Computer (z.B. JVM auf 486) Kleiner Bildschirm (z.B. VGA & Monochrom) Langsames 14.4 Kb/s-Modem Langsame Netzanbindung (Kein ISDN) Verbreitet bei Studierenden (beschraenkte finanzielle Ressourcen) Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Die Computer-Ressorcen der ETH NETHZ - Online Dienste für Studierende Dial-up (im Rahmen von NETHZ) Computerraeume (127 Sun’s & 32 PC’s) Laptop-Steckplaetze (Geplant ab Herbst 99) Standard-Laptops fuer Studierende Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
TIP Develop transitions or bridges between key points. Prepare (cont’d) Illustrate and support Key Points with evidence and visuals. Statistics Analogies Demonstrations Testimonials Incidents Exhibits TIP Develop transitions or bridges between key points. Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Prepare (cont’d) Prepare a memorable Close Dramatize your ideas. Throw down a challenge. Use a motivating statement. Restate the key benefit. Deliver a convincing summary. Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Practice Dale Carnegie Training® has found that the three E’s are fundamental to successful presentations. Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Practice (cont’d) Build your confidence and effectiveness by establishing for yourself Why you have earned the right to deliver this talk. Why you are excited about the subject. Why you are eager to share with your audience. Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Practice (cont’d) Practice your presentation and review your visuals for Clarity Relevancy Eye-appeal Visibility Quality Memorability Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Practice (cont’d) Practice your presentation before an audience, coach, video camera. Receive feedback and coaching on Strong opening. Clear key points. Logical flow. Credible evidence. and... Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Practice (cont’d) Also receive feedback and coaching on Memorable close. Clarity of message. Identifying distracting mannerisms. Results achieved. Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Assume the attitude of a PRO in delivering presentations: Privilege Responsibility Opportunity Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Present (cont’d) Rely on the fundamentals Own your subject. Feel positive about your talk. Project to your audience the value of your message. Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Present (cont’d) Make a positive first impression: Establish eye-contact. Display poised, confident body language. Be relaxed. Be well groomed. Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Present (cont’d) Build rapport with the audience: Be sincere. Be yourself. Say “we” not “you.” Talk in terms of your audience’s interest. Involve your audience. Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
TIP Hold the attention of the audience: Be enthusiastic. Present (cont’d) Hold the attention of the audience: Be enthusiastic. Use vivid words. Express yourself clearly and concisely. Tell a story. Have an upbeat voice. Have proper body animation. TIP Close your presentation to make a favorable, lasting impression Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
TIP Strive for continuous improvement: Present (cont’d) Strive for continuous improvement: Measure the success of your talk. Identify the strengths as well as areas to improve. Decide how you will improve the next talk. TIP Remember to PLAN / PREPARE / PRACTICE / PRESENT Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Accessibility does not mean minimal page design; it means thoughtful page design Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/ Web technology is exclusive or excluding when it limits users' experience or access to information Pawan Vora Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/
Excluding sites are seen as sign of corporate incompetence Jacob Nielsen Jakob Lindenmeyer, 27. Mai 1999 Full Presentation under: www.weboffice.ethz.ch/politik/net/