Communicable Diseases BLAH!!! This is your conscience speaking… SNEEZE INTO YOUR ARM!!
What is the difference? Between : Communicable Diseases Non-Communicable Diseases Diseases that are passed from one living thing to another by pathogens Diseases that are NOT spread from one living thing to another Ex. Cancer
4 Basic Pathogens Viruses Bacteria Fungi Protozoa These are all types of germs that can cause disease or illness
Ways Pathogens Can Be Passed Through the air (coughing or sneezing) 2. Touching contaminated objects (leaving bacteria/viruses on door knobs, desks, keyboards, towels, combs, glasses) Person to person (kissing, shaking hands, touching sores of infected person blood/body fluids) Animals/insects (ringworms, lyme disease, west nile virus) 5. Food and Water (microorganisms, bacteria, improper handling or preparation of foods, unclean utensils/countertops)
How can you control the spread of pathogens??? Pasteurization-use of heat to kill bacteria (milk) Vaccines and Immunity-vaccines are substances that help your body develop an immunity (a resistance) to a disease. Vaccines are sometimes LIVE but weakened pathogens When injected, they allow your body’s immune system to build a defense against the specific disease. Antibiotics-substances that can kill bacteria or slow its growth VIRUSES ARE NOT AFFECTED BY ANTIBIOTICS!!!! Good hygiene-Eat right, sleep well, exercise and KEEP CLEAN!
What are some of your body’s natural defenses against germs? Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth and Stomach Pathogens get trapped in mucus or wax or destroyed quickly by enzymes and chemical digestion Skin The outermost layers of your skins cells are dead, so pathogens cannot find a live cell to infect Your glands secrete oil onto your skin which contain chemicals that kill pathogens Your immune system-cells, tissues, and organs working together When pathogens enter, your body reacts to keep out as many as possible. Increased blood flow to the injury sends platelets that create clots to seal the open wound.