BELLRINGER SEPTEMBER 29, 2011 Take out your Chapter 6 Notes Guide Take out a writing utensil
India’s first empires Today we are learning how the Mauryan dynasty built India’s first great empire
I. The First Empire 2 invasions – taught the Indians a lesson 500 B.C. – Persians invaded the Indus River valley (India became part of Persian empire) *327 B.C. – Alexander the Great invaded – troops grew homesick, left, led to 1st great empire.
I. The First Empire *Chandragupta – Indian prince Conquered large area in Ganges River valley thanks to Alexander United most of northern India *Founded the Mauryan dynasty in 321 B.C. Dynasty – a series of rules from the same family
I. The First Empire Achievements *Pataliputra–Capital *set up a centralized gov. ran everything from captial city Strong army 007 – good spy system Postal system *Pataliputra–Capital
II. Emperor Asoka’s reign *Asoka – greatest king (273-232 B.C.) Unusual rule – hated bloodshed so he followed the teachings of Buddha Achievements –history’s 1st great Buddhist king Built : hospitals for people and animals Roads for easy trade routes Shelters and put shade trees along the roads for travelers to rest Sent teachers to spread religion *Stupas are Buddhist shrines that have the shape of a dome or mound.
III. The Fall of the Mauryan Empire Reasons for decline: Leaders who followed Asoka were not good leaders Kings made bad decisions that turned people against them Forced merchants to pay heavy taxes Seized peasant's crops Last Mauryan ruler was killed by own general
IV. Gupta empire *A.D. 320 – prince Chandragupta grew more powerful than others. *He founded the Gupta empire. Ruled near Pataliputra *His son Samudragupta took over after his father died. Reasons for success Smaller empire was easier to manage Wealthy from trade Prosperous cities (happy citizens) *Pilgrims –used trade routes to travel to a religious shrine/site *Golden Age – art/science began to flourish Brightly painted sculptures of Hindu images
V. Indian Literature Vedas – ancient hymns and prayers for religious ceremonies Development of sanskrit led to Vedas being recorded
Ramayana *Mahabharata –longest poem (88,000 verses) written down – circa 100 B.C. Bhagavad Gita –best known section “ Song of the Lord” The god Krishna preached a sermon before a battle Duty –tells how nobles it is to do one’s duty even when it is difficult and painful Rama banished from kingdom by his enemies. Forced to live like a hermit in the forest. Sita kidnapped by the demon Ravana. Rama fights and defeats Ravana and they live happily ever after. King Rama – the perfect hero Queen Sita – the faithful wife Contains many religious and moral lessons 2 famous epics – both tell about a brave warriors and their heroic deeds
V. Indian Literature *Kalidasa – one of India’s best known authors Wrote plays, poems, love stories, and comedies Indian fables- talking animals characters present lessons about life. Most lit. stresses importance of dharma Each person must do his/her duty
VII. Science Astronomy – followed/mapped movements of planets and stars Understood the Earth was round and revolved around the sun Understood gravity Atoms- came up w/ the idea that the atoms long before the Greeks. Shushruta – Dr. 90210 (1st plastic surgeon) Restored damaged noses Doctors – Set broken bones, performed surgery, treated with herbs
VI. Math *Arybhata – leading mathematician of Gupta empire Used algebra Developed idea of zero and created a symbol to represent it! Infinity – something without an end – explained by Indian mathematicians Numbers – created numerals 1-9 Gupta Arab traders European traders *Algorithm – a series of steps that solve a problem
Review Quiz ____ ____ the Great’s invasion weakened India. Chandragupta _______________ founded India’s first empire. ______ ___ was the Mauryan dynasty greatest king. Asoka was history’s first great _ __________ king. Chandragupta ______________ founded India’s second great empire, the Gupta empire. _ _____ and Ramayana are long poems that tell about brave warriors and their heroic deeds. India had a Age of art and learning during the Gupta empire.
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