Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): - state of play Marino Radačič Americas Unit Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade
What is TTIP? A comprehensive EU-USA FTA Ambitions: more than just tariffs…. A deal by end 2015? TTIP effects…
CZ and TTIP Why CZ supports TTIP? Economic reasons Strategic and political reasons TTIP as a fresh impulse for the world economy?
CZ and US – traditional partners Total trade Overall value: approx 6,6 billon USD Exports to US: 3,5 billion USD (cca 2,5% of total CZ export) Imports: 3 billion USD Investments: US investment in CZ – 4 billion USD
Structure of exports / imports Commodity structure of CZ exports to US (2013) Electrical appliances, devices : 500 million USD Iron and steel products: 420 million USD Machinery products: 370 mil. USD Vehicles: 200 mil. USD Machinery devices: 170 mil. USD Pharmaceuticals: 160 mi. USD Commodity structure of CZ imports from USA (2013) Vehicles and means of transport: 360 mil. USD Scientific and household devices: 260 mil. USD Electrical appliances, devices: 232 mil.USD Pharmaceuticals: 196 mil. USD Machinery products: 194 mil. USD
Czech interests in TTIP Eliminations of barriers for investments, imports and exports, services… Why imports?
Barriers in mutual trade Tariff barriers Average: 4% Motor vehicles 10 -25% Machinery – 12% Steel products 12% Non-tariff barriers Different regulatory requirements Certification issues Public procurement in the USA („Buy American“)
TTIP is not just about goods… Trade in services Investments Intellectual Property Rights (GIs) Sanitary and Phytosanitary Rules Energy
Sensitive issues… GMO Hormons in meat production Energy Investor-state dispute settlement
TTIP – where we are…. 8 round of talks so far…. first exchange of tariff offers, services offers, first position papers on regulatory cooperation and sectoral cooperation… New European Commission in office Mid-term elections in the US 5 rounds forseen for 2015 including a number of stock-taking events
Stakeholder consultation in CZ CZ Team : Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Office of the Government, other ministries and institutions, CZ TTIP expert team: Chamber of Commerce, Confederation of Industry , Trade Unions, Agricultural Chamber, AUTOSAP (Car manufactures) etc. TTIP Transparency: EU position papers published including draft chapters..
ANY QUESTIONS? Marino Radačič, Policy Officer for TTIP Americas Unit European Union and Foreign Trade Section Ministry of Industry and Trade