CHS Senior Transition to College Program Information for Parents
Purpose Rigorous Senior Schedule = Preparation for Success in College Exposure to a college Schedule with similar expectations Time management Study Skills and Habits Freedom and Choices Allow time for college & Career Preparation outside of the classroom Work experiences Research and Internships Service Extracurricular and Leadership Prepare for the transition from high school to college with support in place
Requirements Take the equivalent of at least four fully-weighted year-long courses from the approved list. (Note: Precalculus/Precalculus Intermediate can count as one of the four courses) Complete the College & Career Symposium Complete a year-end Exit Interview
Schedule Same Blue/Gold Day schedule You will be allowed to leave campus during unscheduled periods with parent permission. You will not get to choose the periods or semesters when your courses will be scheduled, i.e. you will not be able to choose when your open periods occur When you have an unscheduled period you decide how to use that time Just as you would in college Studying, completing assignments, collaborating with peers, meeting with teachers, research, etc.
College & Career Symposium Required, but not for Credit Meets during SRT approx two times per month. When symposium is not meeting, SRT period is Free Time. Symposium Attendance is mandatory. Explore real-life topics such as: time and money management, credit, personal safety, and other issues confronting college students and adults. Focus will be the 16 habits of Mind, a set of problem solving and life related skills necessary for success in college and career. Choose from four Symposium strands: Business, Humanities/social Science/Education, STEM, or Fine/Performing Arts.
Exit Interview participate in a required year-end Exit Interview where you will: Reflect upon your participation in the program and how it has impacted your overall educational experience Reflect upon how your participation in the program impacts your future learning and success Gain experience communicating with adults about yourself and your experience
Recognition Students who successfully complete the Senior Transition to College Program, including the College & Career Symposium and Exit Interview will be recognized at Graduation
Eligibility On track to earn Core 40 with Academic honors or Technical Honors Diploma Successful completion of at least one weighted course prior to senior year An exemplary record of behavior, attendance, and service during grades 9, 10, and 11 Students must complete an application, which includes parent consent, before a student will be scheduled for the program.
Guidelines Participants must follow All school policies and procedures Participation in the program is a privilege and participation may be revoked by administration if school policies are not followed or student is unable to handle the free time and/or course load Course Selections are subject to final approval by the student’s counselor Participants can participate in extracurricular activities as long as they meet eligibility requirements for that activity
FAQ Can I take more than 4 courses from the approved list and still participate? Yes, students may take up to 7 classes each semester. Only four of those must be from the approved list. You can still take additional non-weighted elective or core courses of interest and participate in the Program How hard will the Senior Symposium be for me? The course content will be interesting and relevant by exploring real-life topics. However we anticipate that most of the work will be completed during course meetings. It is not designed to add to your workload. Attendance and participation is the expectation. Since the Senior Symposium meets during SRT, does that mean I can’t be in another special SRT like GKOM or Student Senate? Seniors must attend the Symposium when it is scheduled to meet, but are free and encouraged to be part of special SRTs on all other days. How will participating in this program Affect my college applications? Feedback from admissions representatives at IU, Purdue, Ball State, and Butler has been positive and supportive. Generally, colleges want to see rigorous core academic courses in the senior schedule, and this program requires that. Students are encouraged to check with admissions offices at other schools they are considering, including highly selective schools.