Marketing Plans
Promoting Your Products Promotion – communicating with a customer through advertising, publicity, sales promotion, or personal selling Promotion is directly linked to a company’s image Image – how a company wants the public to see it
Focusing The Ads You must decide who will be the targeted customer Marketing research provides information about the target group Demographics provide data about the targeted group
Focusing The Ads Student body Parents The Community
Media Choices After you decide your audience: Design your message and determine the media you will use to deliver it to your customer The most common media are: The internet Print (newspapers, magazines, billboards) Broadcast (television and radio) Social Media School Centered
The Ratings Program ratings drive the price the ads can bring If a show ends up with a lower rating than anticipated, the channel provides other advertising time in other time slots
The Ratings Disney signed a 600 million deal with the national hockey league They did this despite low ratings because hockey draws the highest concentration of young upscale viewers than any other television sport
The Rest Of Promotion Although advertising plays a major role in promotion there are other categories of marketing needed to finish the job These are: publicity, sales promotion, and personal selling All four categories team together into a promotional mix tailored to the item being promoted
Publicity Sponsoring an event and getting a company’s name in front of the public is a method of promotion called publicity. The sponsors of an event count on getting positive publicity from the event
Sales Promotion Any action or communication that encourages a consumer to buy a product An example is when a baseball team gives away baseball caps to each child attending the game with an adult. The giveaway is a direct incentive for the adult to purchase at least 2 tickets to the game Sales promotion items are also referred to as specialty advertising items
Personal Selling An in person face to face communication between a seller and a customer Corporations are major clients for sports events frequently buying hugh blocks of tickets or permanently leasing special luxury seating
Marketing Research Mass marketing – strategies for reaching broad groups of people Market research – the process of determining what customers want There are 5 steps in the scientific method of marketing research
The Scientific Method Of Marketing Research Define the problem Analyze the situation Develop the process for collecting data Collect, organize, and analyze the data Determine a solution to the problem
Data Mining Digging up the data needed to make decisions