4th Grade November News Math Science English Reading Social Studies Math, as always is a mixture of many different concepts. Key concepts this month include multiplying 2 digit numbers. We are just beginning the chapter on division. Students can always practice their facts. Science The 4th grade has finished Chapter 3 (Plant Growth and Adaptations.) They have been participating in a seedling growth lab. When we start Chapter 4, we will be focusing more on science vocabulary. English We are starting to write poems. We are learning about many different kinds of poems and what it is that makes each a poem. We will be sending the poems in to get published in a book you can buy. We will send more information about that later. Reading We will be finishing our unit called Dollars and Sense. Ask your child what they learned about starting a business. Our next unit will be called From Mystery to Medicine. Reading aloud to someone each day would help everyone. Upcoming Events Nov 11 - 10:00am Veteran’s Day program Nov 15 Science and Math Showcase Nov 23 – 1:00pm dismissal for Thanksgiving Dec 13 - P-4 Holiday Concert Social Studies We have started our study of South Dakota. As we read different books of history, the students are reminded that the books are the author’s opinion of the events that happened and to remember there are other ideas also. We will be making a poster of South Dakota state symbols. Please be sure your child has a coat, hat and gloves for recess. If they wear boots make sure they have shoes to change into.