Rito Tajima MY HERO
Rick Hansen 1957 August 26 55 years old
Why is he special Rick is Paralympian and Canadian Hero with a spinial cord injury who in 1985 began the Man in Motion
Why I chose him I met him in March at TCC. I didint know him since I came to Canada and I learned about him in ESL class. At TCC, I heard his lecture and I got impress. Thats why I chose him.
Family Background He lives in Richmond, BC with his wife, Amanda, and his three children.
How he get to where he is Rick was involved in a car accident; a truck ran into the car he was riding in. When he became paralyzed, he must have thought that he would never have a chance to fish again. He was wrong. Rick also really liked to run, and he must have been horrified when he found that he would never have the chance to run again.
His likes/dislikes Rick still likes to fish, but he also enjoys Pilates, tennis, Kayaking and sit skiing.
Miscellaneous Since Rick became paralyzed in 1973, he has traveled twenty one thousand miles through thirty- four different states and in four countries in his wheelchair. This is a great accomplishment which most people wouldn’t even think of trying - let along doing so while paralyzed! Rick has been involved in many wheelchair marathons. His first was the Vancouver International Marathon in 1979 where he came in third place. In total, he has won nineteen international marathons.