Cultural Competency in Training and Workforce Development Working with the Native American/American Indian Population Jan Wrolstad, M.Div., Associate Director Mid-America ATTC
The Obvious “Not about us without us.”—NAMI Symbols and words have different meanings Tribes: different language, dress, practices, culture Some tribes require members to be enrolled or registered High regard for elders and veterans Skeptical of research, best practices, surveys, forms
The Not-So-Obvious Inadequate inclusion of American Indians in study samples Lack of analyses on impact of ethnic, linguistic or cultural factors in using best practices Best practices not tested with American Indians may not work Limited resources devoted to research on culturally specific practices and thus there is an absence of culturally relevant treatment outcomes Sometimes it is the unspoken messages received from American Indians that are most important to pay attention to
Levels of Acculturation Traditional –retain native language and place high priority on tribal ceremonial and cultural practices Bi-cultural—some knowledge of tribal language and participate in tribal practices and modern activities Cultural multiplicity—integrated into and practice tribal culture and ceremonies and value and participate in modern activities Contemporary—no knowledge of tribal language; no desire to participate in tribal culture Credit to: Gene Thin Elk, Lakota Sioux Medicine Man
Areas and Levels of Acculturation Traditional T Mental Emotional TT Cultural Multiplicity Bi-cultural Spiritual Physical Contemporary Credit to: Gene Thin Elk, Lakota Sioux Medicine Man
Two strategies to utilize in training health care providers who work with American Indians: Contract with an American Indian to conduct the training Providers need to become aware of and comfortable with American Indian communication styles
Three approaches for developing culturally competent trainings and resources: Develop relationships with key American Indian stakeholders Become aware of and comfortable with American Indian communication styles Keep in mind you are providing TA in creating something that they need to feel is their own
Questions? Jan Wrolstad, M.Div. Associate Director Mid-America ATTC 816.482.1150