Tom Vorves Crystal Reports 2011 Tom Vorves Eduardo Holly Sim Rodell Akin Jenny Mani Mike
Explore Explore Crystal Reports Use Crystal Reports Help Customize the Report Settings
To-Do: Create a new report Xtreme Database Customer Table Select Customer Name, Region, Last Year’s Sales Preview Save it
Building Reports Create a Report Modify a Report Display Specific Report Data Work with Report Sections
To Do: Create a Report from 2 tables Xtreme Database Customer, Orders Tables Customer Name, Region, Order ID, Order Amount Preview
To Do: Build a new Report with Selection Xtreme Database Customer Customer Name, Region, Country, LYS Criteria LYS < 1000 Sort by Country in Desc order
To Do: Build a new Report with Selection Xtreme Database Customer Customer Name, Add, Add2, City, Region Filter (Select) USA from Country field
To Do: Build a new Report Xtreme Database Customer, Orders Confirm Links (Customer ID >> Customer ID) Customer Name, Region, Order Date Filter (Select) USA from Country field
Formulas Create a Formula Edit a Formula Filter Data Using a Formula Work with Advanced Formulas and Functions Handle Null Values Building Parameterized Reports Create a Parameter Field Use a Range Parameter in a Report Create a Prompt
Review: Report based on Dynamic Prompt Customer Report Build a Parameter Field Dynamic Country then Region Build a Selection (Filter) Based on Region = New Parameter Field Preview
Groups Group Report Data Modify a Group Report Group Using Parameters Create a Parameterized Top N Report
Group Sort Report Need: Optional: Country = USA Group (Region) Summary in the Group Header or Footer Optional: Country = USA Report Menu Group Sort Expert Show the Top 5 Regions Put all others in a Group Called ‘Others’
Group Options Build a Left({Field},1) Group based on the Formula Field Use the Customer Name field Group based on the Formula Field Observe the Page Breaks Make a group split (cause the problem) Set the Group Option for Keep Group Together Right Click on the group header or footer section
Enhancements Format a Report Insert Objects in a Report Suppress Report Sections Use Report Templates
Creating a Report from Excel Data Create a Report Based on Excel Data Modify a Report Generated from Excel Data Update Data in a Report Based on Excel Data
Distributing Data Export Data Create Mailing Labels
Advanced formulas and functions Running totals Variables Advanced functions Constructs
Formatting complex reports The Section Expert Advanced conditional formatting Objects
Tom Vorves Eduardo Jenny Rodell Akin Janeth Mike Crystal Reports 2011 Tom Vorves
Advanced data access techniques ODBC data sources SQL and the Database Expert
Complex Formulas Loops in Formulas Using Arrays
Charts Create Charts Drill-Down Charts Top-N Charts Charts Based on Groups Format Charts
Alerts and subreports Report Hierarchy Report alerts Maps
Data management features The Business Objects Enterprise Repository The Workbench