Radial Timber Green and dry mill based in Yarram, Victoria Boutique specialist sawmill, historically have milled 4000m3 of logs into 2000m3 of timber Radial technology is based on cutting logs into wedges much like a pizza Valued add 100% of production
Because timber wants to naturally split into wedges Why We Machine The Way We Do Because timber wants to naturally split into wedges
Advantages High Recovery Ideally suited to smaller plantation logs (ideal 40-50cm diameter) Relieves growth stresses in fast grown logs More stable uniform product (every log is cut the same)
Innovation ……….Timber Wedges New innovative way to process timber.
High Demand for Radial Timber has encouraged Radial to build a brand new $5 Million Dollar Mill which is now operational and will triple production to around 12,000 m3
The Choices! Cladding Screening Architectural Decking
Choice Of Products ……..Shiplap Cladding
Choice Of Products ……Natural Edge Weatherboard Cladding
Choice Of Products ……..Screening Screen Boards are produced from naturally durable timber and provide a cost effective solution to household security, privacy or climate control. The screening can be supplied in kiln dried or “green” in either bevelled edge of square edged timber
Radial Timber has planted over 1500H of durable high value sawlog plantations in South Gippsland with the oldest being 15 years. We wont harvest a single sawlog for at least 10 years. Good timber takes time.
Vic Forest 10 year supply contract has made this possible. Yellow Stringybark Southern Mahogany Spotted Gum Plantation Logs are the ideal resource to feed the new mill but Radial Timber needed a transition from Native forest to its plantation estate. Vic Forest 10 year supply contract has made this possible.