Microwave Devices - Microwave Passive Devices I - 6 2008 / 1 학기 서 광 석
국방용 초고주파 시스템 (I) 장갑차 무인비행기 프리데이터 (Predator) 무인 자동차 경주대회 미국 국방부 주최 도심, 96km/6시간 1등 200만$, 2등 100만$
밀리미터파(Ka-band)를 이용한 위상배열 고선명도 레이다 이미지 (0.1m 선명도) 국방용 초고주파 시스템 (II) 밀리미터파(Ka-band)를 이용한 위상배열 고선명도 레이다 이미지 (0.1m 선명도) * Google Earth ; typically 15m 선명도 고선명도 서비스 0.15-1m
Basics of Quality Factor Energy stored during a cycle Energy dissipated per cycle (m: mass, b: damping, K:stiffness) BAW SAW, Two-port
Importance of High-Q Resonator High-Q resonators play an important role in microwave circuits. Insertion loss of small-ripple Chevyshev bandpass filter fo: center frequency BW: bandwidth of the filter Qu: unloaded Q of the resonator High-Q resonator Narrow-band filter with a low insertion loss Phase noise of oscillator F: noise figure of the active circuit Pavs: available signal power QL: loaded Q of the resonator High-Q resonator high-frequency stable and low-phase-noise oscillator
Nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) Resonator ( Ref : K. L. Ekinci, et. al., “Nanoelectromechanical systems,” Review of Scientific Instruments 76, 061101, 2005)
Q of Various Structures resonators Structure Q Rectangular Waveguide (nonplanar) 8000 Slot resonator over cavity 500 Microstrip over membrane 234 Microstrip over Si 125 Dielectric Resonator (DR) >10,000 QMin QMax Stability (ppm/ºC) LC Resonators 50 150 100 Cavity resonators 500 1,000 10 Dielectric resonators 2,000 10,000 1 SAW devices 300 0.1 Crystals 50,000 1,000,000 0.01 ( Ref : Howard Hausman, MITEQ, 2007)
Radial-Contour Mode Disk Q >10,000 @ 1.9 GHz (vac) & (air) MEMS Resonator Wine-Glass Disk Radial-Contour Mode Disk Q ~ 161,000 @ 62 MHz (vac) Q ~ 8,000 @ 98 MHz (air) Freq.-Q Product ~1.0×1013 Q >10,000 @ 1.9 GHz (vac) & (air) Freq.-Q Product ~2×1013 ( Ref : Clark T.-C. Nguyen, “MEMS technology for timing and frequency control,” IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency control, p. 251, 2007)
Rectangular Waveguide Waveguide Resonator Rectangular Waveguide Air-filled cubic waveguide ( Ref : Collin, text) Three Cavity Filter Qun of Cavity = 506 @10GHz
Tunable RF Inductor with MetalMUMPs Process (Ref.: www.MEMSCAP.com ) d ; maximum separation of wires MEMS Foundary Process (MEMSCAP) – MetalMUMPs, PolyMUMPs, SOIMUMPs Detail of MetalMUMPs Process plated 20μm Ni/0.5μm Au 25μm deep Si trench with KOH etch (price: 1cmx1cm chip – 15 die delivered $3,700 academic)
Micromachined Microstrip Resonator Oscillator [ Micromachined planar resonator with membrane structure] [ Fabricated micromachined oscillator] Measured loaded Q factor of the resonator : 190 with a coupling -4.6 dB 10-dB improvement in phase noise with a micromachined planar resonator [ Fabricated micromachined oscillator with device mounted and ground plane cover assembled] ( Ref : A. R. Brown, et. al., IEEE Trans. MTT, p. 1504, 1999 )
Rectangular Coaxial Transmission Line in 3D-MERFS Program DARPA’s 3-D MicroElectromagnetic Radio Frequency Systems Program - ‘04-’07, 3D-MERFS Program (BAE, Rohm & Haas, and U. Colorado) Rohm & Haas’s PolyStrataTM Photoresist - sacrificial high-aspect ratio photoresist (50 um to 100 um thick) (Ref). “An Enabling New 3D Architecture for Microwave Components and Systems,” Microwave Journal, Feb. 2008 CMP for planarization 10~100μm thick Cu (electroplated) 5~10metal layer process 310μm tall 50Ω coaxial line Unloaded Q Qun=490 @26GHz
Micromachined High-Q Cavity Resonator Silicon wafer Silicon wafer [ An X-band micromachined resonator ] [ S-parameters for the resonator ] type Size (mm x mm x mm) Qu Non-planar Metal (rectangular) 19.8 x 22.9 x 10.2 8119 16 x 32 x 0.465 526 planar Micromachined cavity 506 Membrane-microstrip 5.3 x 7.1 x 0.35 234 Microstrip 2.65 x 3.55 x 0.5 125 Comparison of measured Q for several resonators at X-band @ 10.4 GHz ( Ref : J. Papapolymerou, et. al., IEEE MGWL, p. 168, 1997)
Micromachined Cavity Resonator Oscillator [ Photograph of a fabricated oscillator ] @ 33GHz [ Schematic diagram of the micromachined cavity resonator coupled to the GaAs-based oscillator ] Estimated Q-factor of the cavity : around 130 (without de-embedding) 18-dB improvement in phase noise with a micromachined cavity resonator [ Comparison of oscillation spectrum between MCO and free running oscillator ] ( Ref : Y. Kwon, et. al., IEEE MGWL, p. 360, 1999 )
EFAB – Prototyping RF-MEMS Process EFAB Process of Microfabrica Inc. (Selective Electroplating Technique) ( Ref : E. D. Marsh, et. al., IEEE Trans. MTT, p. 78, 2007 ) Qun of Cavity @44GHz
Micromachined Resonators for Higher Q-factor Micromachined cavity resonator using the split-block technique Micromachined hemispheroidal cavity resonator Silicon <100> [ Cross-section view of micromachined hemispheroidal cavity resonator ] [ Cross-section view of micromachined cavity resonator using the split-block technique] Measured unloaded Q factor of 4550 at 29.326 GHz Measured unloaded Q factor are 1426 and 909 at 76.39, respectively ( Ref : S. R. McLlland, et. al., IEE Proc. Microw. Antennas Propag., October. 2004, p. 450-454) ( Ref : S. R. McLlland, et. al., IEEE Trans. MTT, April. 2008, p. 982-990)
FBAR structure of Avago Solidly Mounted Resonator (SMR) FBAR and SMR-BAW FBAR structure of Avago Solidly Mounted Resonator (SMR) BAW - Infineon
Substrate Integrated Waveguide ( I ) – PCB/MCM-L ( Ref : D. Deslandes and K. Wu, IEEE Trans. MTT, Feb. 2003, p. 593-596)
Substrate Integrated Waveguide ( II ) ( Ref : B. Liu, et al., IEEE MWCL, Jan. 2007, p. 22-24)
Micromachined Cavity Resonator Filter [ Measured results of the filter ] [ Micromachined cavity resonator filter] [ Side-view of micromachined cavity resonator filter ] ( Ref : L. Harle, et. al., IEEE Trans. MTT, p. 1598, 2004 )
Surface Micromachined Cavity Resonator Filter [ surface micromachining cavity resonator filter ] [ Fabrication flow ] @ 60 GHz Insertion loss of 2-pole filter: 1.42 dB Insertion loss of 4-pole filter: 2.45 dB ( Ref : B. Pan, et. al., IEEE Trans. MTT, p. 959, 2008 )