Life in
“For me context is the key - from that comes the understanding of everything.” - Kenneth Noland
David Rosenhan Nov. 22, 1929 – Feb. 6, 2012 “The facts of the matter are that we have known for a long time that diagnoses are often not useful or reliable, but we have nevertheless continued to use them.”
“Reality is not a function of the event as event, but of the relationship of that event to past, and future events.” - Robert Penn Warren
“Is everyone who lives in Ignorance like you?" asked Milo. . "Much worse," he said longingly. "But I don't live here. I'm from a place very far away called Context.” . - Norton Juster (The Phantom Tollbooth)
OW!! Marvin Melvin
“Making mental connections is our most crucial learning tool, the essence of human intelligence; to forge links; to go beyond the given; to see patterns, relationships, context” – Marilyn Ferguson
Killjoy: The Story of a Misguided ‘Mental Health’ Bot
“Wisdom is intelligence in context.” - Raheel Farooq
VIDEO BRIDGE Group 3 Senior Administrators & Funders Group 1 People Who’ve Received Services Group 2 Providers of Direct Supports VIDEO BRIDGE
“We consider [hearing voices to be] a meaningful experience that can be explored and understood (an opportunity for learning and psychological growth, even if the lessons are painful and difficult) rather than just a pathological symptom devoid of context.” - Eleanor Longden
Alternatives to Suicide
Source: Suicidal Tendencies Part I: I’m Suicidal Because I’m Mentally Ill Because I’m Suicidal By Sera Davidow
Source: False Arguments Part III: Why Do People Hear Voices Source: False Arguments Part III: Why Do People Hear Voices? By Sera Davidow
Most boringest place ever!
“The self is made up of those intrinsic parts of our core mixed with memories and experiences all connected to one another to create one whole unique being. Unfortunately, when our sense of self shakes loose, the mental health system too often seeks not to help rebuild and rediscover the context that defines us, but to layer new meaning over it. This is not healing of the self. It is death. This must change. We must stop using our power over people, to push them in directions in which they would not have gone and reshape their very being in society’s image of who they should be. Instead, we must use our power under people, to help lift them up to self-discovery, and let any reshaping that goes on be their own.” - Sera Davidow