Location Asia Africa North America South America
Climate Precipitation: Winter: About 10in. Of snow a month. Summer: No rain. Temperature: Winter: About 79 degrees. Summer: About 67 degrees.
Plants Tall grasses African daises Aloe Elephant grass June grass Blue stem grass
Animals Lions Leopards Wilde Beestes Mongoose Elephants Ant Eater Snakes
Decomposers Fungus Lichen Mushrooms Bacteria
Food Chain Lion-Deer-Grass-Sun
Natural Change Flood. It would kill a lot of animals and destroy an animal’s habitat.
Human Effect Scientists have been convinced for over 100 years that human beings take effect. More than one human ape developed , while the earlier types became extinct.
Adaptations Rainy season only last 6 to 8 months Elephants physical adaption that allows them to access water that is not availible to other animals.
Endangered or Extinct Animals Elephants – endangered Cheetahs – endangered Giraffe – endangered Leopards – endangered Lion – endangered Rhino – endangered Zebra - endangered
Facts Lions are the most powerful predators in the grasslands. Oxpeckers and other tick birds land on their breakfast , the ticks. While getting breakfast in the grasslands, the cheetahs are the quickest to get their food.
Quiz What kind of animals live in the grasslands? What kind of animals are endangered?