Mysteries of the Middle-Earth QUIZ (work in progress…)
1. Dwarf Goblin Orc Hobbit What species was Gollum most closely related to before centuries of mutation from owning the ring? Dwarf Goblin Orc Hobbit
1. Dwarf Goblin Orc Hobbit What species was Gollum most closely related to before centuries of mutation from owning the ring? Dwarf Goblin Orc Hobbit
2. Minas Anor Minas Ithil Minas Morgul Minas Tirith What is the name of the place Boromir calls 'The White City'? Minas Anor Minas Ithil Minas Morgul Minas Tirith
2. Minas Anor Minas Ithil Minas Morgul Minas Tirith What is the name of the place Boromir calls 'The White City'? Minas Anor Minas Ithil Minas Morgul Minas Tirith
3. The Fellowship discovers a tomb in Moria. Whose tomb is it? Gloin’s Gimli’s Balin’s Thorin’s
3. The Fellowship discovers a tomb in Moria. Whose tomb is it? Gloin’s Gimli’s Balin’s Thorin’s
4. Who said this: „Rock and pool is nice and cool, so... I only wish to catch a fish, so...!” Grima Smeagol Theoden Eowyn
4. Who said this: „Rock and pool is nice and cool, so... I only wish to catch a fish, so...!” Grima Smeagol Theoden Eowyn
5. What were the first words of Frodo Baggins in the whole movie? "It sure is shady here" "Gandalf's coming!" "You're late!" – spoken to Gandalf "What a good book."
5. What were the first words of Frodo Baggins in the whole movie? "It sure is shady here" "Gandalf's coming!" "You're late!" – spoken to Gandalf "What a good book."
6. During the council meeting who said "It is a gift" (talking about the ring)? Gandalf Gimli Legolas Boromir
6. During the council meeting who said "It is a gift" (talking about the ring)? Gandalf Gimli Legolas Boromir
7. Who said this quote? "If by my life or death, I can protect you, I will." Gandalf Boromir Aragorn Sam
7. Who said this quote? "If by my life or death, I can protect you, I will." Gandalf Boromir Aragorn Sam
8. A flock of black birds, spies of Saruman, fly over the Fellowship. What sort of birds are they? Ravens Dunhawks Crebain Rooks
8. A flock of black birds, spies of Saruman, fly over the Fellowship. What sort of birds are they? Ravens Dunhawks Crebain Rooks
9. What are the names of the horses that Eomer gives to Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli? Hardan and Argo Hector and Frey Germain and Bray Hasufel and Arod
9. What are the names of the horses that Eomer gives to Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli? Hardan and Argo Hector and Frey Germain and Bray Hasufel and Arod
10. What are the wolf-like animals that attack Theoden and his people called? Wargs Wendans Wilgons Wadkons
10. What are the wolf-like animals that attack Theoden and his people called? Wargs Wendans Wilgons Wadkons
…to be continued… Sources: http://lotr. wikia