Jesus’ Authority Matt 21:23-32
1. Introduction
469-399 BC
469-399 BC
2. Jesus’ authority questioned
‘By what authority you do these things? And who gave you that authority?’
Mal 3:1-2 says, ‘See I will send my messenger who will prepare the way before me (John the Baptist). Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire will come, says the Lord Almighty’
Jn 3: 18 says, ‘Whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son’.
Matt 28:18: ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me!’
Matt 28:18: ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me ‘Therefore go make disciples of all nations baptising then in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit., teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you’.
3. Application
Application Hereafter Marriage New Age Deliverance Worldviews Threats Abortion Fears Life in trouble
Application Hereafter Marriage New Age Deliverance Worldviews Threats Abortion Fears Life in trouble
Application Hereafter Marriage New Age Deliverance Worldviews Threats Abortion Fears Life in trouble
Application Hereafter Marriage New Age Deliverance Worldviews Threats Abortion Fears Life in trouble
Application Hereafter Marriage New Age Deliverance Worldviews Threats Abortion Fears Life in trouble
Application Hereafter Marriage New Age Deliverance Worldviews Threats Abortion Fears Life in trouble
Application Hereafter Marriage New Age Deliverance Worldviews Threats Abortion Fears Life in trouble
Application Hereafter Marriage New Age Deliverance Worldviews Threats Abortion Fears Life in trouble
Application Hereafter Marriage New Age Deliverance Worldviews Threats Abortion Fears Life in trouble
‘By what authority you do these things? And who gave you that authority?’