Do NOW! Need to complete all Part A questions to get a stamp! No Planner yet: What your HW is depends on how far you get in class today!) Part A- Independent Reflection (5 minutes) Silently and honestly reflect on how much you’ve accomplished individually (just you) for your PSA project so far Look at your PSA planning sheet to remember what you’ve done Think about what you accomplished over the weekend Need to complete all Part A questions to get a stamp! SILENCE PLEASE
Do Now Part B Part B- Group Reflection 3 minutes- In your project group, discuss what you’ve accomplished during the weekend and in class so far as a group
PSA project – Filming and Editing! Learning Target: I can stay on task and contribute to my group’s PSA videos. (Read aloud from…) Thursday, October 24 Day 33 Countdown: 117 Lessons before the AP test!
What You’re Doing Today About 4 e-mails over the weekend about filming struggles Today = a gift for you! DO NOT WASTE IT. 45 precious min to work together May use time to film some or all of your video clips If you’re not there yet, can also use time for planning or (if you’re done with filming) editing
IMPORTANT REVISION! “Logos (Step 4): Estimate how much a person could save by taking the action you recommended” is now optional! Counts for Extra Credit if you’ve already completed it!!!
Timeline Filming- Have all filming completed before Monday You will be forced to write this in your planner at the end so don’t worry about it now! Filming- Have all filming completed before Monday Editing- Monday is last chance to edit film in class Send to Liu- Upload videos onto Youtube by Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday- watching films in class
Expectations for Group Work You will be graded on CWH today! Explicit grading scale 4/4 = consistently focused, helped group mates 3/4= 1 redirection or not maximally focused 2/4= 2 redirections, distracting to group mates ¼= Detention, minimal accomplishment 0/4= Accomplished nothing during period Phone call home
Stuff for you to use On the back table: Extra copies of all PSA project-related handouts Calculators for you to borrow that you must return before the end of class Whiteboards that you can use for filming purposes! (can borrow markers from the front board)
Expectations for Groups Filming “We discipline ourselves so that no one else has to.” Only 3rd floor (the floor we’re on) filming unless if you ask me for permission to film on the 2nd floor. You must get passes from me if you film on the second floor. Only 2 groups can film at a time. Must come back 10 minutes before the end of the period. If I catch one person off task while filming outside, EVERYONE in the group automatically receives a 0 for the day.
Editing Cart D reserved for research and editing using Youtube Editor To get the video off your phone… OPTION 1- Upload the video onto your phone’s Youtube app, then edit on laptop OPTION 2- Use a USB cord to transfer your video directly onto the laptop. OPTION 3 (not recommended)- attempt to attach and e-mail videos to yourself
Golden Rule Everyone should be working on PSA-related stuff throughout the entire period! “I’m done already so I’m going to chill here while my group mates struggle” Your grade for project = average of the scores for your group’s 3 videos Help out a group mate!
Use the Help! List Steps to complete if you are unsure about something before asking Liu… Check to see if the question has already been answered in the handout. Ask your group mates. Look it up online. If you’re still not sure, THEN 4. Add your name to the HELP! List on the whiteboard
(4 min) Do Now Together: Finish completing the yellow sheet! You can not start working today until your group has filled out and gotten the Yellow Sheet stamped!
Expectations for Group Work You will be graded on CWH today! Explicit grading scale 4/4 = consistently focused, helped group mates 3/4= 1 redirection or not maximally focused 2/4= 2 redirections, distracting to group mates ¼= Detention, minimal accomplishment 0/4= Accomplished nothing during period Phone call home
CLOSING/EXIT TICKET Filming- Filming due Monday Editing- Monday last chance to edit film in class Send to Liu- Upload videos onto Youtube by Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday- watching films in class Write down the above deadlines that are relevant to where you’re at. Somewhere else in your planner, write down what YOU will personally accomplish over the weekend. *STAR THIS You cannot leave class today before showing me your planner! Bring home all handouts you need in order to film!!!!