M977Z224 Charindech Santiwatthana Research frame work on research topic “Project Manager Performance Evaluation Using a Fuzzy Weighted Average Model" 老師:朱大中 教授 Prof. Ta-Chung Chu M977Z224 Charindech Santiwatthana M97Q0211梁耀文
Introduction In the present economy that shaped up by globalization, the enable of accessibility to information and the increasing of competition, the intangible assets such as knowledge become the critical competitive advantage. In the technological competition era, while business tend to increase their investment, billions of dollar have been spend annually to many projects(Williams, 2005). Successful project consist of organization’s strategic objective, economic environment, well-developed working structure and projects tend to be failed when lacking of project management (PM) discipline and professional(William, 2005). Nidiffer and Dolan (2005) observed that people and process are the heart to successful project development, not tools or technology, that underscore the need of precisely select the manager of the project.
Introduction In Many research studies have defined the project managerial performance in to multidimensional concepts. Several research yield that the study of managerial performance have to consider of social aspect and technical aspect, both consist of qualitative such as leadership behavioral characteristic, attribute, managerial skills..etc. and quantitative such as time, cost, financial performance (NPV), discount cash flow (DCF)..etc. However, most studies focused to the project managerial performance model, not the evaluation. Project managerial evaluation has been a very difficult to make. The criteria that should considered to evaluate may have different important weights in the perspective of different decision maker. Therefore, fuzzy set application can be a very suitable approach.
Objectives This research has the following objective: Establish a fuzzy weight average model for making the evaluation of the project managerial performance. Study the relevant of the project managerial evaluation literature and determine the criteria needed for effective evaluation. Conduct the numerical example to show the computational procedure and the feasibility of the propose model. w
Limitations The limits of the research can be describe as follows: There is a huge amount of criteria that can be consider when trying to evaluate the outcome, so in this research will be limited the amount of criteria. We assume all the criteria are independent. We assume all the quantitative criteria are normally distributed. The model depend largely on the degree of precision judgment and evaluation of the decision –maker to scale the degree of importance weight of criteria and give the rating to each alternative versus each criteria.
Framework Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Literature review Chapter 3 : Fuzzy set theory Chapter 4 : Fuzzy weighted average arithmetic model Chapter 5 : Numerical example Chapter 6 : Conclusion