Polymerıc Materıals and Theır Applıcatıons Systems Biology for Translational Medicine Prospective Project Partnership Meeting Polymerıc Materıals and Theır Applıcatıons Esra FEYZİOĞLU DEMİR Vocational School Of Health Services, Medical Laboratory Techniques
Field of Study / Technical Experience Keywords: Nanotechnology, Polymeric Materials, Affinity Techniques, Controlled Drug Delivery Systems, Chromatographic Techniques General Information: In general, polymeric nanoparticles and their applications in various fields make up our field of study. Polymeric nanoparticles are produced for biotechnology, biomedical, health (diagnosis and treatment), environment, waste treatment etc. In addition to polymeric nanoparticles, we can also synthesize polymeric materials in membrane or cryogel form, as needed.
Projects Synthesis of New Generation Molecular Imprinted Nano-carrier, Characterization and Investigation of Usability in vitro Removal of Fe3+ , TUBITAK 2209 University Students Domestic / International Research Projects Supporting Program (2010-2011) Polymeric Hydrogel Membrane Systems for Controlled Released of Hormone, Ege University BAP Project (2012-2014) Nanotechnological Approach for Removal of Cr(III) from Leather Waste Water, TUBITAK 1002 - Short Term R&D Funding Program (2014-2015) Novel Nanobiotechnological Approach for Treatments of Pulmonary Diseases: Investigation of Using Polymeric Nano-materials Inhaler Road, TUBITAK 2211-C-the Doctoral Fellows Towards Priority Areas and Aliye Uster Foundation (2015- continuing)
Project Idea / Contribution Fields Areas where I may participate: Synthesis of polymeric materials (nanoparticles/ membranes/ cryogel) and their biomedical applications (controlled drug delivery systems etc.) Biosensor applications Chromatographic techniques
Contact Details Esra FEYZİOĞLU DEMİR Vocational School Of Health Services, Medical Laboratory Techniques E-mail: esra.feyzioglu@izmirekonomi.edu.tr