Multiculturalism in the USA
What is culture? What dimensions does it have? US immigration: when/who? Benefits vs. costs? Should we stop immigration altogether? What kind of immigration does the US prefer? Bigger chunks? which? Salad bowl vs. melting pot. vs. assimilation. Which elements of culture do they concern? What are the bare minima for coexistence? Which one has been used historically? Which one would we prefer? How to manage them? what policies to implement? what do we need to prevent? Where should people get their identities from? Why do we say Native-Americans and African-Americans, but not European-Americans? Which parts of multi-culti work in the US and which don’t ? What about institutionalized racism, white privilege, cultural appropriation?
Percentage of U.S. population Race / Ethnicity Number Percentage of U.S. population Americans 308,745,538 100.0 % Non-Hispanic White 196,817,552 63.7 % Non-Hispanic Black 37,685,848 12.2 % Non-Hispanic Asian 14,465,124 4.7 % Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native 2,247,098 0.7 % Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 481,576 0.2 % Non-Hispanic some other race 604,265 Non-Hispanic two or more races 5,966,481 1.9 % Hispanic or Latino 50,477,594 16.3 %
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