The perfect copy WELCOME HERE! No4 Middle School Yufang.


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Welcome to our class! Ready to have fun learning English?
Presentation transcript:

The perfect copy WELCOME HERE! No4 Middle School Yufang

Four hundred years ago Chinese people had created the cloned images in Pilgrimage to the West but now it has become reality in life.

clone Scientific terms “Cloning” is a new technology which produces an exact copy of an animal or a plant from its own cells.

cloned pigs Title understanding How can you understand the word copy? A. model B. clone C. similarity D. imitation cloned pigs

Fast reading—Main idea Refer to the reading passage and find out the main idea. (The reading passage is made up of a newspaper article about cloning and two readers’ letters. We will be given information about how cloning is being researched and the different attitudes towards it.)

Match each paragraph with its correct main idea The first cloned mammal was Dolly. Ian Wilmut is shocked that some scientists are considering cloning human beings. An announcement about the first cloned human embryo caused much debate. Chinese scientists continue to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind. A woman wants to have a cloned baby. Cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries, but some scientists still want to clone human beings.

Important phrases on the one hand on the other hand 1 一方面…另一方面… 2.指出 3. 戏弄自然 4.在做…的过程中 point out toy with nature on our way to doing

Important phrases at a much younger age 1.更小的年纪 2.导致 3.一般来说 lead to 4.因为 被表扬 5.伟大的科技进步 lead to in general be praised for wonderful scientific advance

Important phrases 1.专注于 concentrate on 2.为了 with the intention of 3.对人类生命的不尊重 concentrate on with the intention of show no respect for human life

Important phrases cause a lot of anxiety 1.引起很多不安 2.渴望做某事 3.自己的孩子 4.收养别人的孩子 be anxious to a child of my own adopt someone else’s child

Important phrases push ahead with 1.努力推进 2.成功地做某事 3.造福人类 succeed in doing benefit mankind

Important phrases deal with the consequences 1.处理后果 2.收割的庄稼 3.出售 4.很高兴有个妈妈 5.用完,耗尽 a crop to be harvested for sale be delighted to have a mother use up

Important phrases comment on 1.评论 2.完全同意 3.挑战道德问题 4.就个人而言 5.改变我的生活 in complete agreement with challenge moral ideas on a personal note transform my life

Find the reasons why people are pro- or anti-cloning in the article and letters and write them in the table below Pro-cloning Anti-cloning 1. produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human lives 1. may produce a real-life Frankenshtein’s monster 2. 3. 4. 5. create more disease in the animal world cure disease like cancer help those who are unable to have children cloning shows no respect for human life help those who want to clone their dead children human life becomes a crop to be harvested or a product for sale we should be having fewer babies in order to reduce Earth’s population, not cloning more

value likely scientific create/ cause intends curing Unable anxious Attitudes towards the first cloned human embryo Pro-cloning It can produce tissues and organs that are of great(1)__________. Anti-cloning We are (2) ________ to produce a real-life Frankenstein’s monster. Attitudes towards the birth of Dolly the sheep Cloning is a wonderful (3) __________ advance. Cloning would (4) ____________ more disease in the animal world. Representatives Ian Wilmut He never (5) ______ to create copies of humans. Instead, he thinks research efforts should concentrate on (6) ______ diseases. Faye Wilson (7) _______ to have a baby,she is (8) __________ to have a child that is genetically related to her. Severino Antinori He wants to be the(9) _____ to clone a human being. Chinese scientists They have focused their efforts on cloning animals and tissues that has achieved great (10) _______ in producing clones of cows and goats,and continues to research ways cloning can benefit mankind. value likely scientific create/ cause intends curing Unable anxious first success

Homework: Write a letter to the editor and express your opinions about cloning human embryos. Homework:

Thank you!