Troop 76 2017 Wreath Sale Kickoff
Why? Purchase camping equipment Pay for camping and activities fees Fund Ski Trip and Really Big Trip Support community volunteerism and efforts Contribute to the troop
What? High quality wreaths, decorated with pine cones and a red bow Large (30” outer diameter) wreaths for $35 Medium (24” outer diameter) wreaths for $25 Small (18” outer diameter) wreaths for $20 White Pine Roping White Pine roping, in lengths of: 25 feet ($20) 50 feet ($40) 75’ ($55)
How? In-person, phone, e-mail or social media (10/17) Wear your uniform – it helps sell One Sales Order Form per customer If possible -- collect money at time of order Thank them for their order and for supporting Troop 76
Who? Why? Family, friends and neighbors. People who like to support the Scouts. It helps them decorate for the holidays. Delivered directly to their homes. The wreaths and roping are high quality!!! Why?
Selling & Sales Order Form Complete one Order Form per customer Use pen & press hard Make sure it shows on yellow copy Give customer the white copy of Sales Order Form Collect money at time of sale Fill in Sales Activity Record Keep payments in a safe place!
Wreath and Roping Pickup Saturday, November 25th(10am – noon) Bring spreadsheet with totals Be sure to get all the bows and pine cones Please do NOT bring money!
Wreath Delivery Attach the bows and pine cones before delivering to the customer Collect the money, if not collected at time of ordering Thank the customer for buying and for supporting Troop 76
Sales Activity Record Due 12/5 Turn in all records at 12/5 Troop meeting Sales Activity Record Payments Sales envelope with money
Family participation! Each scout and one parent must signup for one 3 hour shift to staff the following: Church sales: St. Mary’s: Nov. 25 and 26 St. Mary’s: Dec. 2 and 3 Jesse Lee: Nov. 26 and Dec. 3 Wreath pickup by trailer at Jesse Lee: Nov. 25 Or by appointment Sign up online!
Prizes $75 gift certificates to Amazon Top Overall Sales in Troop Top Sales for New Scout $25 Amazon gift card raffle (3) Money due December 5th to be eligible for raffle Prizes will be awarded December 12th
Key Dates October Tuesday, 10th…Wreath Kick-Off Meeting Tuesday, 24th…Early submission date-get two raffle tickets if your order is submitted in full November Tuesday, 7th...Presales tally due by 7 PM. Saturday, 25th...First Wreath Delivery to Trailer behind Jesse Lee at 8:00 a.m.* Saturday, 25th...Material Pick-up at Trailer 10:00 a.m. – Noon* Saturday, 25th...Saturday Sales at St. Mary’s 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.* Sunday, 26th...Sunday Sales at St. Mary’s and Jessie Lee churches* December Saturday, 2nd...Second Wreath Delivery to Trailer behind Jesse Lee at 8:00 a.m.* Saturday, 2nd...Second Saturday Sales at St. Mary’s* Sunday, 3rd...Second Sunday Sales at St. Mary’s and Jessie Lee churches* **Tuesday, 5th...Deadline for turning in ALL money, forms and sales kits at the regular Troop meeting. *Scout and parent volunteers needed. **You will not be eligible for prizes beyond this date if your money has not been submitted.