Automotive Services: Steering the Industry Toward Workforce Solutions Moderator: Welcome to “Automotive Services: Sterring the Inductry Toward Workforce Solutions.” Hello, my name is Enter Name Here, with you today on behalf of Workforce3 One – a unique, new partnership between the Employment and Training Administration, the Center for Employment Security Education and Research (CESER), which is the 501c3 affiliate of the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA), and the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB). Workforce3 One is dedicated to advancing the development of a demand-driven workforce system focused on emerging and high growth industries. We are particularly pleased that you have made yourselves available to participate in this premier event with us. I’ll spend just a few minutes addressing our agenda and some logistics for today’s session before turning you over to our presenter(s), and beginning our session in earnest. Let’s get started! (ADVANCE SLIDE) May 24, 2005
Virtual Classroom Layout Presentation Slide Area Attendee List Moderator: I’d like to take a moment to show you the layout of the virtual classroom. There are three main areas that I would like to call to your attention: The Attendee List on the left of your screen displays a list of all attendees to this webinar. The Chat Room, also at the left of the screen, allows you to ask questions, or make comments during the webinar. We are using a ONE WAY conference call for the audio portion of this webinar – you can hear the presenters, but they cannot hear you. Due to the large number of attendees, and to control background noise and interruptions, we’re going to rely on this CHAT feature to solicit your questions throughout the session. Those attending with a group will want to designate a “scribe” to represent your group by entering questions as they occur ANYTIME throughout the session. Your questions are automatically transmitted to the presenters and will be answered during dedicated question and answer periods. The Presentation Slide Area is where the main content for the webinar will appear. This area will be the main focus of your attention throughout the webinar. (ADVANCE SLIDE) Chat Room The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Submitting Questions Chat Room Enter questions into the Chat Room (located in lower left corner of the virtual classroom). To submit a question or comment, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button. Your name, the text “(Submitted Question)” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Questions are directly transmitted to presenters – other participants will not see your questions. Moderator: If you would like to submit a question or comment anytime during the presentation, please enter that question into the chat room. The chat room is located in the lower left portion of the virtual classroom. To submit a question, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button to submit. When you submit a question, your name, the text “(Submitted Question)” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Note that Questions are directly transmitted to presenters – other participants will not see your questions. Again, please be sure to enter your questions at ANYTIME throughout our session. We’ll make time to answer as many of them as possible during the session. (ADVANCE SLIDE) Text Box Arrow Button The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Practice In the chat room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today. The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Access to Webinar Materials Materials and presentation slides used in this webinar will be available for download from the Resources & Information section of the Workforce3 One Webspace. All webinars are recorded and available for viewing after the event. Recorded webinars will be posted to the Multimedia Information/Self-Paced Learning section of the Workforce3 One Webspace. Moderator: Please note that all materials and presentation slides used in this webinar will be available for download from the “Resources” section of the Workforce3 One Webspace at Also, all webinars are recorded and available for viewing after the event. Recorded webinars will be posted to the Skill Building section of Workforce3 One, and filed under “Self-Paced Learning.” (ADVANCE SLIDE) The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Ben Kushner Industry Lead for Automotive Services High Growth Job Training Initiative ETA/USDOL The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Brief history of our initiative Agenda Introductions Brief history of our initiative Workforce challenges identified by stakeholders Investments made to address those challenges Grantee participant presentations Question and answer session The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Today’s Panelists Ben Kushner Industry Lead for Automotive Services, High Growth Job Training Initiative, USDOL George Arrants Corinthian College and Snap-On, Inc. Bryan Albrecht Gateway Technical College, Kenosha, WI Cameron Hightower Shoreline Community College, Shoreline, WA The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
About You? Poll #1: Do you currently work with employers who hire automotive service technicians? Yes No Poll #2: Are any dealerships on your local or state workforce investment boards? Intro to Webinar Format here, cover question submission process. The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Why Automotive Services as High Growth? Poll #3: According to 2002, 10-year estimates, how many automotive service technicians will be hired each year to fill new jobs and replace workers who retired or left the field? 10,000 per year 28,000 per year 32,000 per year 50,000 per year The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
President’s High Growth Job Training Initiative Why is the Automotive Services Sector included as a high growth industry? Automotive Technicians and Repairers: 1,038,000 workers (2002 figures) An estimated 319,000 new technicians and mechanics are needed between 2002-2012 The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
High Growth Job Training Initiative Process October 2002 – April, 2004 Executive Forum Workforce Development Forum Web Tool Validation Process Automotive Industry Conference Calls Strategic Development Team Meeting Solutions Meeting The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Workforce Challenges Identified by Stakeholders Image and Promotion Diversity of the Workforce Capacity and Instruction The Standardization of Training and Education The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Addressing the Challenges ETA invested over $11.9 in 11 projects Found at this url: Automotive Youth Educational Systems: $600,000 Auto Alliance International Vehicle Production: $5 million Automotive Retailing Today: $150,000 ASE Bilingual Outreach Program: $300,000 Eastfield College: $837,424 Gateway Technical College: $900,000 Girl Scouts of the USA: $200,000 Shoreline Community College: $1,496,680 Pennsylvania Automotive Association: $95,000 U. S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation: $136,000 $2,200,000 The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Your Automotive Training? Poll: Do any colleges or technical schools on your list of eligible training providers serve automotive service technicians? Yes No Poll: If yes, are the schools certified by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF)? Yes, they are certified by NATEF No, they are not certified I Don’t Know I answered “No” the previous poll The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Gateway and Shoreline Projects Both projects address the workforce challenge: Standardization of Training and Education Both include Job Corps as a key stakeholder Gateway aims at accreditation for instructional programs Shoreline trains technicians toward their industry-based certification The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Gateway Technical College Upgrading the Nation’s Automotive Programs: A Partnership Among Education, Industry, and Government The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Project Partners The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Workforce Issues Addressed by the Grant Certification of Trained Instructors Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) standards (for technicians) set by the industry Standardization of Education and Training National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) certification for training programs and schools. ( The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Train-the trainer resources for NATEF certification. Project Goals On-line training courses for automotive instructors (NATEF requirement). Train-the trainer resources for NATEF certification. Update Evaluation Team Leaders (ETL’s). Assist Job Corps center in achieving NATEF certification. The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
As of today: Project Outcomes Several Job Corps sites visited for evaluation and inventory. Marketing materials created and distributed. Training website created and linked to project website ( Melior web-based training modules up and running Project featured in various publications and at state and national conferences. Project Evaluation techniques drafted. The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
NCATC Spring newsletter Press releases Conference presentations National Exposure NCATC Spring newsletter Press releases Conference presentations DOL website The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! (ADVANCE SLIDE) Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Poll FACT: The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (called ASE) certifies automotive technicians who have received training, built up experience, and taken one of the qualifying exams. When a technician passes exams for eight disciplines, they are considered a master technician. This can take about 6 – 8 years of training. Poll: What salary do you suppose a typical master technician makes each year? $60,000; $80,000; Over six figures The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Shoreline Community College DOL/ETA Grant Cameron Hightower Shoreline Community College, Shoreline, WA The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
GST curriculum to meet NATEF certification requirements What We Plan To Do: GST curriculum to meet NATEF certification requirements Create Skills Panel The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
50 out-of-school or at-risk youth or dislocated workers What We Plan To Do (Cont’d): 50 LEP students 50 out-of-school or at-risk youth or dislocated workers Incumbent worker training for 75 The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Automotive Services is a High Growth industry sector Why We Are Doing It: Automotive Services is a High Growth industry sector SCC’s nationally acclaimed Professional Automotive Training Center is committed to supplying industry demand-driven training needs. SCC’s Career Education Options program is committed to supporting out-of-school youth, dislocated workers, and other underemployed populations. The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Why We Are Doing It (Cont’d): NATEF-certified GST program + ASE-certified technician = Good Jobs/Good Pay. Career training pathways in high growth/high demand automotive industry = lifelong career advancement, wage gains and job security. The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
What We Have Already Done: Working with University of Missouri Instructional Materials Laboratory Linkage with King County Workforce Development Services, King County O-S-Y Consortium and others to recruit and support students in job training programs resulting in automotive employment/internship. Association with State Job Corps Centers and National Advanced Automotive Training Job Corps Center. The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
What We Have Already Done (Cont’d): National curriculum development organizations have been contacted to develop GST instructional materials. Skills Panel for automotive incumbent workers had first meeting. Technician training on fuel alternative hybrid vehicles with Snap-On, Inc. and Toyota Motor Sales USA. The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
What We Have Already Done (cont’d): Regional curriculum development organization has submitted proposal to develop career pathways for incumbent automotive workers Brokering relationships and partnerships with other Automotive grantees The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! (ADVANCE SLIDE) Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Goals For Now And The Future How can we develop collaboration among grantees and other major stakeholders? How can your workforce activities be augmented by these investments? How can your workforce activities support the investments? Can these projects be replicated locally in your area? The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Final Poll According to the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA), what is the combined total sales figure for service and parts at all franchised dealerships in the USA? $850 million $8.5 billion $85 billion The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! (ADVANCE SLIDE) Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Where Can You Find More Information? Business Relations Group DOL/ETA Website: One-page summaries of automotive grants: Automotive Services Industry Profile: Gateway Technical College Project Website: Shoreline Community College Website: The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Share Your Ideas with Your Peers! Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas! (ADVANCE SLIDE) Submit your content to Workforce3 One at: The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Access to Webinar Materials Materials and presentation slides used in this webinar will be available for download from the Research & Information section of the Workforce3 One Webspace. All webinars are recorded and available for viewing after the event. Recorded webinars will be posted to the Multimedia Information/Self-Paced Learning section of the Workforce3 One Webspace. Moderator: Please note that all materials and presentation slides used in this webinar will be available for download from the “Resources” section of the Workforce3 One Webspace at Also, all webinars are recorded and available for viewing after the event. Recorded webinars will be posted to the Skill Building section of Workforce3 One, and filed under “Self-Paced Learning.” (ADVANCE SLIDE) The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
How To Contact Us: Ben Kushner Automotive Services High Growth Initiative Lead Business Relations Group Employment and Training Administration U. S. Department of Labor (202) 693-3949 The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System
Thanks! The Demand-Driven Workforce Investment System