Stewart Fleming Primary School Friday, 17th March 2017 ART COMPETITION! Yipee!! It’s time to get creative for the annual Stewart Fleming Easter Art Competition! SPRINGTIME POEM Your task is to illustrate the poem on the reverse of this sheet. You can create a drawing, collage or painting for the poem. You can complete your design on this sheet or copy it out. If you want to, you can create your design using a computer programme and print it. Make sure your design is bright and colourful so it stands out from the rest and also that it reflects the words of the poem. YOU MUST INCLUDE THE WORDS OF THE POEM IN YOUR DESIGN. I’m sure you will create some wonderful designs, I can’t wait to see them all. Good luck! Miss Feltham Chocolate prizes! Stewart Fleming Primary School The Pioneer Academy Witham Road Anerley London SE20 7YB Tel 020 8778 1043 Fax 020 8659 2897 E-mail: Here are the Rules: Make sure your name and class is on your design. Please hand it in to your teacher by Thursday 30th March. Prizes will be awarded on Friday 31st. There will be a winner for Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2.