Welcome to Timber Creek High School
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Graduation Requirements College Information & Post Secondary Planning Bright Futures Information Questions
Timber Creek High School School Counselors Jill Weems A-Can ext 6147832 Heather Ashby Cap-Fe ext 6147863 Shawn Smith Fi-Joh exr. 6147839 Allison Howard Jon-Mel ext 6147830 Marilina Simon-Savage Men-P ext 6147824 Angelina Atehortua Q-So ext 6147865 Dyionna Dierks Sp-Z ext 6147829 Lucia Aloyo-Cruz 504 and CCT ext 6147825 Donna Austin 504 and Gifted ext 6147823
Graduation Information 2018 Minimum Graduation Requirements Earn 24 credits Passing score on FSA/ELA Reading (or SAT/ACT) Passing score on Alg 1 EOC or Math PERT A cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.0 or better Online course Subject Area Credit total English 4.0 Math- Alg 1/Geo Science - Bio 3.0 Social Studies World Hist American Hist Amer govt and econ Practical/Fine Arts 1.0 HOPE Electives 8.0 World Language
Graduation Requirement Additions for Class of 2018 Online class (if it is a full credit class, you must take the whole thing – half credit classes count for this requirement). Ideas: Driver’s Ed, Social Media, Personal finance, Peer Counseling 1, Parenting. OCVS classes through FLVS.net – OC teachers
Scholar Diploma Designation Algebra II Statistics or Equally rigorous math Chem or Physics 1 credit in Equally rigorous to chem or physics 2 credits in same world language Pass Bio EOC Pass U.S. History EOC Earn 1 credit in AP, IB, AICE or Dual Enrollment course. A student is exempt from the Bio or US History EOC if student is enrolled in an AP, IB or AICE Bio or history and takes the AP, IB or AICE assessment and earns min score for college credit
Merit Diploma Designation Meet the standard HS diploma requirements Attain one or more industry certifications
Competitive Admission Expand Your Limits Admission into Florida’s State Universities is limited by space available. Acceptance into a college for “early decision” depends on the number of qualified applicants To increase their chances for admission into college, students should exceed the minimum high school diploma requirements Take honors and AP classes when available BUT DO NOT DROP THEM ONCE YOU TELL COLLEGES.
Post Secondary Process Application (typically online) Transcripts to be sent (Schoolpay.com) SAT/ACT scores to colleges AP scores to colleges NOTE: If you are taking the SAT/ACT again, apply now and then check the box saying you are taking the test again. Apply early. All seniors took the SAT on October 11th
OCPS Super Scholar Schools 2017-18 TOP 20 NATIONAL UNIVERSITIES Princeton Harvard University of Chicago Yale Columbia Massachusetts Institute of Technology Stanford University of Pennsylvania Duke California Institute of Technology Dartmouth College Johns Hopkins Northwestern Brown Cornell Rice Vanderbilt Notre Dame Washington University in St. Louis Georgetown
2017-18 TOP 20 NATIONAL LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGES Williams College Amherst College Bowdoin College Swarthmore College Wellesley College Middlebury College Pomona College Carleton College Claremont McKenna College Davidson College Washington and Lee University Colby College Colgate University Harvey Mudd College Smith College United States Military Academy Vassar College Grinnell College Hamilton College Haverford College
TCHS College and Career Center Open daily from 7:00 am – 2:45 pm Testing materials: SAT/ACT College Catalogs College Visits Career Information Military Information Scholarships – Newsletter that you received coming in. Naviance and FAFSA Help Access to computers for career and college research Located in the Guidance Office Room 802 Students and parents are welcome!!!
Get the latest updates from the College and Career Center Remind 101: Text to 81010 message: @tchsccc Facebook: @TimberCreekCCC Twitter: @tchsccc
What careers are best for me? What colleges offer my intended major? How do I create a résumé? And, so much more! FIND NAVIANCE ON YOUR LAUNCHPAD
Information about State Universities Here in Florida Let’s take a look at the SUS Matrix (this document compares the 12 State Colleges in the State of Florida) http://www.flbog.edu/
2 Year Programs AA Program transitions to state universities as juniors – Direct Connect Honors programs-(HSU 3.0 GPA and above) Tech schools
Military Options Army Air force Navy Marines Coast Guard
Bright Future Scholarship Program Seniors will apply in October with counselors.
2017-18 High School Graduates and Bright Futures (BF) Scholarships There are Three Different Award Categories Florida Academic Scholars Award (FAS) Florida Medallion Scholars Award (FMS) Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Award (GSV) The Florida Bright Futures Scholarship program began in 1997-98 with the following three award categories listed on this slide; Florida Academic, Medallion and Gold Seal Vocational. The three different programs have different eligibility criteria and award requirements and amounts . We will go through the eligibility criteria in upcoming slides.
Florida Academic Requirements Same as last year 16 core credits (college preparatory) 4 English, 4 math, 3 sciences (not principles of biomed or forensics), 3 required social studies, 2 of the same Foreign lang (sign lang okay) 3.5 weighted GPA (unrounded) in those 16 core classes (or up to 18) courses 100 Community Service Hours Test sub-scores can be used from multiple testing dates (not mixed from different test types) No End of Course assessment credits required ACT = 29 Composite (excludes writing section) SAT = 1290 (critical reading and math) This slide is a review of the Florida Academic Scholars Award requirements, with one change from last year. The college preparatory credits, weighted GPA and community service hours remain the same. The SAT has gone up from 1270 combined Math and Critical Reading scores to 1280. ACT remains a composite 28 score (writing not included). Remember that test sub-scores from different test dates may be mixed and matched to use the best sub-scores to determine the highest score possible. Also we want to remind everyone that the Liberal Arts Math course, which has NEVER been an accepted math course for BF, will NOT be allowed as one of the four required math courses. In addition, it will NOT be allowed as a mis-advisement exception as was done these last two years both for BF and SUS admissions.
Florida Medallion Requirements Same as last year 16 core class credits (college preparatory) 3.0 weighted GPA (unrounded) in 16 core classes (or up to 18) courses 75 Community Service Hours Test sub-scores can be used from multiple testing dates (not mixed from different test types) SAT = 1170 (critical reading and math) ACT = 26 Composite (excludes writing section) This slide is a review of the Florida Medallion Scholars Award requirements, with two changes from last year. The college preparatory credits, weighted GPA and community service hours remain the same. The SAT has gone up from 980 combined Math and Critical Reading scores to 1020. And the ACT has gone up from a composite 21 score (writing not included) to a score of 22. Remember that test sub-scores from different test dates may be mixed and matched to use the best sub-scores to determine the highest score possible. AS with the Florida Academic award, the Liberal Arts Math course, has NEVER been an accepted math course for BF, and will NOT be allowed as one of the four required math courses. It will NOT be allowed as a mis-advisement exception as was done these last two years both for BF and SUS admissions.
Florida Gold Seal Vocational Requirements Same as last year: 16 credits (core classes required for HS graduation) 3.0 weighted GPA (unrounded) in those 16 core courses 3 career/technical credits in one vocational program 3.5 unweighted GPA (unrounded) in those 3 credits 30 Community Service Hours Test Scores SAT = 440 Critical Reading and 440 Math ACT = 17 English, 19 Reading, 19 Math PERT = 106 Reading, 103 Writing, 114 Math Test sub-scores can be used from multiple testing dates (not mixed from different test types) This slide is a review of the Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Award requirements. These requirements differ from the FAS and FMS in that the 16 credits are not the college preparatory credits for SUS admission, but rather the 16 core credits required for a standard Florida HS diploma. In addition to those 16 credits, another 3 career credits in one vocational program are required with a 3.5 unweighted GPA. The community service hours and SAT/ACT scores remain the same.
Florida Gold Seal Vocational Requirements Additional Test Type Postsecondary Educational Readiness Test (PERT) Reading 104, Writing 99, Math 113 GSV program changed to focus initial scholarship students to the original program intent of pursuing postsecondary vocational study in vocational or career education programs. Up to 72 credit hours in AS, AAS, CCC, or PSAV programs. Students may only use the GSV award to pursue specific degrees, diplomas and/or certificates. No Associate of Arts or baccalaureate degrees will be funded. However, a big change this year for an alternative test for GSV is the Postsecondary Educational Readiness Test, or the PERT exam. The sub score minimums are (read scores above). (Read next 2 bullets.)
Websites and Financial Aid Night Free Application for Federal Student Aid: https://fafsa.ed.gov/ www.floridashines.org FAFSA Help Sessions Winter Park Public Library – Sat. Oct 28th 12-4 TCHS College Room – 10/24 4-7PM
Thank You for Coming TCHS Guidance Office