Қарағанды облысы Теміртау қаласы «Теміртау қаласының №10 жалпы білім беретін орта мектебі» КММ Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Сагиндыкова Асемгуль Сатбековна.


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Presentation transcript:

Қарағанды облысы Теміртау қаласы «Теміртау қаласының №10 жалпы білім беретін орта мектебі» КММ Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Сагиндыкова Асемгуль Сатбековна

Theme of the lesson: “Blossom my country, Kazakhstan!” Form: 7

Aim of the lesson: - To be able to speak about our motherland. - To enrich pupils’ word stock, to give main historical and developing information about Kazakhstan. - To be able to speak about our motherland. - To develop their speaking habits and skills. - To bring them up to love our country, to be able to protect, and to be an individual citizen of our country

Teacher: Good day boys and girls, teachers and guests Teacher: Good day boys and girls, teachers and guests! We are glad to meet you at our school hall. You are welcome to our party which is devoted to the national holiday “The Independence day of Kazakhstan” (National song). Kazakhstan has always been a country of rich culture and beautiful places. As you know we celebrated the Independence Day of Kazakhstan. On the 16th of December 1991 a Declaration about the Independence of Kazakhstan was adopted. 25 years have passed since that memorable date. Now our country has its own flag, anthem and the state emblem. During these years of Independence much had been done for economic and political life of our country. Now our country has its own flag, anthem and the state emblem. During these years of Independence much had been done for economic and political life of our country. If you are ready we shall begin our party. At first I will ask some questions about our country.

The party will pass as a competition between 2 teams The party will pass as a competition between 2 teams . The pupils of 10-th forms take part in this competition. We’ ll need 2 teams ( 5 students in each team ). Our game is devoted to the 25th anniversary of Independence of our Republic. The theme is “Blossom my country, Kazakhstan!”. We know that the property of our country is a nation. But all people must be educated and purposeful. Our future is a modern educated society. N. A. Nazarbaev pays great attention to education, science and culture in his” Message to the People of Kazakhstan.” He also underlines that new generation must know 3 languages ( Kazakh, English and Russian ) and use them in communication. Our President N.A.Nazarbayev said: “Every person in our country must know 3 languages : Kazakh-as a state language, Russian-as a language of international communication and English –as a widespread language in the world, as a language of a business and new technology” We’ll define the experts, you should count points of two teams and later each level talk result. Participants say their team’s name, about emblem, motto. Teacher: What association do you have with the word “Kazakhstan ”. What does it mean the word “Motherland”? Who tells me? (audience activity)

Our competition consists of 7 levels: 1. Pronounce these words in Kazakh and English. I. Страна – country- үлыс. II. Народ – people – халық. Столица – capital-Астана Флаг- flag – тү. Жить - live - өмір сүру. Город – city – қала. Герб – State Emblem – Елтанба. Знаменитый – famous -әйгілі. Красивый - beautiful - әдемі. Большой – large ( Big) –үлкен. Природа-nature-табиғат Дружба –friendship – достық. Центральный – central – орталық. Республика – republic – Республика.

2. Guess the riddles. Your answers must be in Kazakh and Russian: It is big. It has got long legs and sharp teeth. It is strong. It eats meat. It’s grey. (Wolf- Қасқыр- Волк) It helps people. It is a domestic animal. (Dog-Ит-Собака) It is a small animal, but it has got sharp teeth. It lives in the forests and fields. It is white in winter and grey in summer. (Hare-Қоян-Заяц) It is a small animal. It has got short legs, sharp teeth and a long tail. It lives in woods, fields and people’s houses. It likes cheese. (Mouse- тышқан - мышь.) It does not live in woods. It does not eat meat. It likes grass. It helps people to work. People ride it. (Horse-Жылқы-Лошадь) It is a big and strong animal. It eats grass. It helps people. People ride it. It lives in deserts. (Camel- Түйе-Верблюд)

3. Match the names of the holidays and dates. 1 January Independence Day 22 March Constitution Day 8 March New Year’s Day 9 May Victory Day 30 August Woman’s day 25 October Nauryz 16 December Republic Day

4 -Answer the questions. What are the largest cities of Kazakhstan do you know? (The largest cities are Almaty, Karaganda, Chimkent, Pavlodar and Astana.) What is the official language of the country? (Kazakh is the official language of the country, but it is not the only language which people speak in the country. Russian and other languages are spoken here too.) What countries border with Kazakhstan? (Kazakhstan borders China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia.) What about the government? Who stands at the head Kazakhstan?(Kazakhstan has a presidential form of government.) What are the symbols of the state? (national flag, , emblem and symbol, anthem, baiterek, golden man, the national currency of Kazakhstan – tenge) What can you say about the population of the Republic?(Its population is about 16 million people) What birds are used in Kazakh symbol of freedom? (eagle) What is the North capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana) What is your Motherland? What is the capital of our country?

What is the size of KZ.? (the area is 2.753 square km) Who is the head of the state? (the president) What does the blue color of the flag symbolize? (freedom, independent) What is represented on the state flag? (sun, falcon, ornament) What kind of state is KZ? (independent, democratic) What games of Kazakh do you know? (Kokpar, Kyz kuu, Hunting , Audaryspak) What meals of Kazakhs do you know? (Bayrsak,kyurdak,beshbarmak,kasy,kymyz) When was Kazakhstan declared independent? (Kazakhstan was declared independent in 1991.) What national costumes of Kazakhs do you know? ( Shapan, Camisole, Tymak, Kimeshek, Takhia) What musical instruments of Kazakhs do you know? (They are: dombyra, kobyz, sabyzgy, zhetygen.) Who is the author of Kazakhstan’s national anthem? (Nursultan Nazarbaev, Zhumeken Nazhimedenov, Shamshy Kaldayakov) What is the symbol of peace on the state flag? (The Sun)

When is President’s birthday? (6 June 1940 year) When was the declaration of Independence takes? (16December1991year) When was the last Constitution approved? (30 of August) Who was the first spaceman of Kazakhstan? (Tohtar Aubakirov) How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (14 regions) What river is Astana situated on? (on the River Ishim) Do you know great people of Kazakhstan? (Abai Kunanbaev, Shokan Ualikhanov, Mukhtar Auezov.)

5. Polyglot. Дерево крепко корнями, а человек … (друзьями, достар, friends) Родная земля – золотая … (колыбель, бесiк, bed) Человек без цели, что птица без… (крылья, канат, wings) Жить без друзей, что есть пищу без… (соль, туз, salt) Чем плохой друг, лучше достойный… (враг, жау, enemy) Где - то, может, и хорошо, а на … лучше… (Родина, Отан, Motherland) Души и языка нет, а говорит разумное - … (Книга, кiтап, book) Самая святая пища - … (Хлеб, нан, bread) Многословие – серебро, а молчание - … (Золото, алтын, gold)

6. Translate this text in Kazakh and Russian

7. Game ''Telephone''

Teacher: Our game is over Teacher: Our game is over. You have shown good knowledge of three languages. You have improved your knowledge in other subjects. You have learnt many interesting things about our Motherland. We give the word to our expert, please your result points of competition. We congratulate winners! I am glad to see that you were very active at our discussion. Thank you for your attention. Good luck and good- byе!