FORMS OF GOVERNMENT Absolute Monarchy, Constitutional Monarchy, Parliamentary Democracy, Theocracy, Presidential Democracy, Dictatorship
Absolute Monarchy One clear leader, chosen because they are a son or daughter of the king People believe this leader is in charge because they were chosen by God Same person makes and enforces all laws There is a King, Queen or Czar King Louis XIV of France was an absolute monarch
“Like my hair?”
Constitutional Monarch King or Queen also has to deal with a legislature People believe God chose the king, but they get to choose the legislature Legislature and King both make laws Probably is a king or queen and a prime minister England is an example
“I’m in charge, ignore her (him)”
Parliamentary Democracy People choose a legislature, legislature chooses the leader Prime minister is chosen by the legislature Prime minister can be replaced at any time with a “No Confidence” vote Legislature makes the law, Prime Minister enforces the law Israel and Russia are examples
“I hope this kid doesn’t get rid of me.”
Theocracy Country is ruled by the religious leader People believe the nation is doing the business of God Laws often come from religious law The Ahatolla in Iran was a good example, some religious leaders in Iraq want this
Presidential Democracy Leader is chosen by the people for a set period of time Will have a president and a legislature President not easily removed United States is an example
“I sure hope they pick me again”
Dictatorship One person is in charge, often takes over by force People listen to him or her because they are afraid One person makes and enforces the laws Hitler, Mussolini, Sadam Hussein were examples
Going, going…