Internet Governance: Myth Revealed & Middle East contribution Yousef Moh’d Arikat Al-Quds Open University Palestine
Fundamentals "The power of the Web is in its universality Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.“ Tim Berners –Lee , W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web Internet Governance : “the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programmes that shape the evolution and use of the Internet.” World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis in 2005 It is estimated that by 2020, 50 billion “things” will be connected to the Internet (Hesseldahl, 2011). Policy Makers around the globe, Have realize the social, commercial and political implications of a highly interdependent digital environment. Joining everything to everyone.
Introduction National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA, 14th March 2014, announced that it intended to relinquish its oversight role over the Internet Assigned Names Authority (IANA) functions (a part of ICANN). Middle East have three basic themes: Advocacy, policy and technology. Aims to strengthen participation on Internet policies, Internet governance, security information privacy, control, freedom of expression and rights on the Internet. “The diversity of basic social institutions among democracies suggests there is little chance that there is a unique legitimate liberal democratic system of Internet governance.” Mark Raymond
Internet governance can be divided into six themes: (DeNardis, 2013: 3). Architecture-based intellectual property rights enforcement; The policies enacted by information intermediaries; Cyber security governance; Governance of routing and interconnection; Internet standards governance; and control of critical Internet resources. Internet governance is complex and highly decentralized, are governed in a “multi-stakeholder” (rather than a multilateral) fashion.
The Digital Divide The availability of the access at an affordable cost and quality. closing the gap of digital divide is important. The major arguments are the following: Economic equality Social mobility Democracy Economic growth
Internet World About Three billion Internet Users Two third are from developing world Mobile – broadband sub. 2.3 billion globally 55% from developing world INTERNET USAGE Penetration :- Middle East : 48.3%
Internet Growth June 2010 :- 1,966 mil , penetration 28.7% :- Internet P Middle East 48.3%,
Privacy and Security Personal Privacy Percentage of people who feel the Internet:- Percentage of People who are Worried of Online
Cybercrime Countries, like companies have likely underestimated the risk they face. (MacAfee) 155 “successful significant attacks “ since 2006 on government agencies, defense and high tech companies, or economic crimes with losses of more than a million dollars” according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies. 70% Executives from financial institutions believe that cyber security is a strategic risk for their companies.
Cybercrime as of % GDP ( Gross domestic product) 16 M Cyber Attack Estimated cost of cybercrime to the global economy: $400 billion Cost of cybercrime in terms of percentage of global GDP: 0.8% In comparison, cost of the global drug trade in terms of global GDP: 0.9%
Internet Core Value Universality, Interoperability and Accessibility. Three fundamental control functions to operate the Internet; Control of Critical Internet resources (CIR). Governance via Internet standards. Governance of routing and Interconnection. I.S: are rules , protocols set by IETF, W3C, Internet interconnection agreements among network operators to connect bilaterally or IXPs. TCP/IP. new protocol (IPv6) provides some security improvements but intrinsic security will require substantial changes to the very basis of the Internet.
Europe & Middle East Camps Three camps : Western nations , Authoritarian nations , The undecided The European Commission has repeatedly called for a system of Internet governance fully entrusted to the private sector without Government interference in the day-to-day management, and has supported an open, multi-stakeholder policy dialogue on Internet governance and development actually. The Arab region supports the transition of technical coordination of the Internet’s name and numbering resources from the United States to an international organization, meeting the expectations of its multi-stakeholders.
Final remarks & In Future The Middle East should aim to strengthen its stake. Middle East Internet users should construct knowledge about the Internet Governance at the regional or international level. Create a framework that accommodates both greater security and continued growth. Universities world wide equipped with advanced research resources have a special role to secure cyberspace, academic freedom that cover the social and natural sciences. How to refine and update Internet Governance by a single set or rules. what are the Internet’s architectural principles? what are its core values and how are these values being upheld or diminished as the Internet evolves?
Citation INTERNET GOVERNANCE: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR ESCWA MEMBER COUNTRIES, United Nations, New York, June 2009 Internet world stats Copyright © 2001 - 2014, Miniwatts Marketing Group. The GovLab Index on Internet Governance , Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) , A global network for scholars of internet governance. Reimagining the Internet: The Need for a High-level Strategic Vision for Internet Governance , Mark Raymond and Gordon Smith. July 2013 An Introduction to Internet Governance , Jovan Kurbalija , DiploFoundation (2012) An internet governance model for the 21st century , Rebooting the rulebook , April 2014, Volume 70, Number 2, Michael Nelson and David Tennenhouse, Microsoft Corp Internet Governance: Inevitable Transitions , James A. Lewis 2013 , (CIGI), Waterloo, Ontario, Canada ( M. Krummer, “Internet governance and the need for an inclusive multi-stakeholder dialogue