Huntsville City Schools Student Badging Initiative Travis Tow Security Operations September 16, 2015
Student ID Card Initiative Three teams assembled and equipped to create and print student ID cards. All 6th – 12th grade students. Critical support & assistance provided by principals and teachers. A make-up on-campus visit for students who were absent is currently underway. Upon completion of ID card issue, Raptor kiosks will be configured to allow schools to process late arrivals with the ID card.
Student ID Card Initiative Students can use ID cards to avail themselves of products and services offered in the Huntsville-Madison County area. Future HCS uses of the ID cards could include cafeteria meal processing, point-of-sale capability at schools, and media center material issue.
Local Discounts (a few examples) Subway Pizza Hut Papa Johns Chic-fil-a Waffle House Dairy Queen Burger Queen Regal Cinemas Books-a-Million
Schools (25) without P-5 High Schools: (6) Lee, NCTHS, Grissom, Johnson, Huntsville, Columbia. Jr. HS: (2) Huntsville, McNair. Middle Schools: (4) Challenger, Hampton Cove, Westlawn, Williams. P-8: (5) AAA, ASFL, Chapman, Mountain Gap, Whitesburg. P-6: (8) Blossomwood, Dawson, Highlands, Jones Valley, Lakewood, Monte Sano, Rolling Hills, UP.
Student ID Card Schedule 25 Total Locations 3 Teams 30 Seconds per student Student ID Card Schedule Time Slot Wed 5-Aug Thu 6-Aug Fri 7-Aug Mon 10-Aug Tue 11-Aug 8:00-11:30 Huntsville HS 1870-1900 Huntsville HS Grissom HS 1718-1800 Grissom HS Lee/NC HS 1145-1200 11:30 -3:30 Lee/NC HS Wed 12-Aug Thu 13-Aug Fri 14-Aug Mon 17-Aug Tue 18-Aug Columbia HS 757-800 Columbia HS Johnson HS 580-600 Johnson HS 11:30-3:30 Wed 19-Aug Thu 20-Aug Fri 21-Aug Mon 24-Aug Tue 25-Aug Huntsville Jr HS 567-600 McNair Jr HS/ASFL 902-950 Challenger MS 514-550 Hampton Cove MS 623-650 Westlawn MS 523-550 Huntsville Jr HS McNair Jr HS/ASFL Challenger MS Hampton Cove MS Westlawn MS Wed 26-Aug Thu 27-Aug Fri 28-Aug Mon 31-Aug Tue 1-Sep Williams MS 556-600 AAA 526-550 Mt Gap P8 738-750 Chapman P8 499-500 Whitesburg P8 799-800 Williams MS AAA Mt Gap P8 Chapman P8 Whitesburg P8 Wed 2-Sep Thu 3-Sep Fri 4-Sep Mon 7-Sep Tue 8-Sep Blossomwood 81-100 Dawson 60-100 Lakewood 51-100 Monte Sano 25-50 Labor Day Highlands 73-100 Jones Valley 68-100 Rolling Hills 48-50 University Place 72-100 Site survey day before to coordinate with school.
Student ID Card Make-Up Schedule 25 Total Locations 1 Team 1 Minute per student Time Slot Tues 15-Sep Wed 16-Aug Thu 17- Sep Fri 18-Sep Mon 21- Sep 8:00-11:30 Huntsville HS Grissom HS Lee/NC Columbia HS Johnson HS 11:30 -3:30 Tue 22-Sep Wed 23-Sep Thu 24-Sep Fri 25-Sep Mon 28-Sep Huntsville Jr HS McNair Jr HS/ASFL Challenger MS Hampton Cove MS Westlawn MS 11:30-3:30 Tues 29-Sep Wed 30-Sep Thu 1-Oct Fri 2-Oct Mon 5-Oct Williams MS AAA Mt Gap P8 Chapman P8 Fall Break Tue 6-Oct Wed 7-Oct Thu 8-Oct Fri 9-Oct Mon 12-Oct Whitesburg P8 Tues 13-Oct Wed 14-Oct Rolling Hills Highlands University Place Monte Sano Dawson Lakewood Blossomwood Jones Valley Site survey day before to coordinate with school.
Student ID Card Initiative
Student ID Card Initiative
Student ID Card Initiative
Student ID Card Initiative Results First year has been a success – 11,192 ID cards printed and issued to HCS students. This initiative will reoccur at the beginning of every school year. Schools to submit work orders for needed ID cards through rest of the school year (lost, new students, etc). Student ID cards are not intended to be worn or displayed – they should be kept in pocket, billfold purse, etc.
ID Badges & Cards All staff, faculty & employees must wear ID badge where it is visible at all times on campus. All contractors must also have passed a background check and wear ID badge at all times on HCS campuses. All visitors must wear an office-issued visitor badge at all times while on campus.
Huntsville City Schools Student Badging Initiative Travis Tow Security Operations September 16, 2015