Choosing the journal Dr Chandrashekara S
But find out the best audience So what matters to publish an article is not just writing a bright article
Criteria for choosing journals Is it within the subject area of the topic discussed Endocrinology vs diabetology Who are the probable audience Researchers, clinician and general JAMA/NEJM/ Nature Objective of the journal Only novel/new or anything good/ data and audit / case reports
Are audience or reach of the journal good Difficult to guess There are few of the indicators which help Impact factor – Reflecting the average number of citations to articles published in science and social science journals. Eigenfactor – A rating of the total importance of a scientific journal according to the number of incoming citations, with citations from highly ranked journals weighted to make a larger contribution to the eigenfactor than those from poorly ranked journals. SCImago Journal Rank – A measure of scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from. Open access vs paid journal Web based vs only print
Indexed if so in how many Pub med indexing Accessibility increase Value of the paper is better because indexing indicate that the journal has it’s process recognized Other data base EMBASE, OAJ, research gate, google scholar and Medindia and others data base.
Policy of the journal Only novel idea Any research of good standing Data and case report Only basic science Only clinical science
Access and availability Open vs paid Indexed vs non indexed Other factors…
Most critical issue that need to be considered worth of your paper
Remember Not all nature paper get Nobel prize Not all paper received Nobel prize were published in best journal
“if I just create something that’s GREAT, the rest of it will fall into place.”
Choosing journal need some exploration Seek an expert help Easier than wasting many hours in reinventing wheel