Chapter 28 Wound Care
Dressings (cont’d) Types of dressings: Gauze dressings: ideal for covering fresh wounds that are likely to bleed, or wounds that exude drainage Transparent dressings: used to cover peripheral and central IV insertion sites
Dressings (cont’d) Types of dressings (cont’d) Hydrocolloid dressings: keep wounds moist; moist wounds heal more quickly; new cells grow more rapidly in a wet environment Dressing changes: when a wound requires assessment or care
Wound Management Drains Open drains Closed drains Sutures and staples
Wound Management (cont’d) Bandages and binders Purpose: hold dressings in place, especially if tape cannot be used or dressing is very large Support area around the wound or injury to reduce pain Limit movement in wound area to promote healing
Wound Management (cont’d) Roller bandage application Binder application – Different types of binders Single T-binder Double T-binder
Nursing Implications Potential nursing diagnoses: Acute pain Impaired skin and tissue integrity Ineffective tissue perfusion Risk for infection