NVQF and Technical & Vocational Skills Development (TVSD) : Introducing standards, NVQF and occupational licencing
Content Part 1: Formal, non formal and informal TVSD: characteristics and respective weaknesses Part 2: reforms, with a main focus on NVQF. Part 3: Proof of evidence? Part 4: Any alternative tracks to make NVQF work? BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Part 1: Formal, non-formal and informal skills development: definitions Formal TVSD (= TVE) organized by institutions, within the regular education system. gives access to a diploma. Knowledge is always transferred through a teacher. Non-formal TVSD usually organized outside the regular education system. Knowledge is also transferred through a teacher or trainer. Certificates or usually not recognized by the MoE, but can have a high added value on the labour market. BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Definitions: continued Informal TVSD sometimes non-intentional and never institutionalized (learning by doing, on the job, …). No diploma nor certificate Non-Formal and Informal TVSD = TVT (Technical and Vocational Training), covers both preservice and “in service”, initial learning and continuous Learning or Life Long Learning. BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Formal, non-formal and informal skills development: characteristics Some characteristics Most of the reform ambitions in TVSD relate to the three systems of skills development Main ambitions are to strenghten the 3 systems and tackle the weaknesses by introducing different instruments and policies. How does this relate to formal, non-formal and informal skills development? BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Respective Weaknesses Formal: supply driven and large distance to labour market! Responsiveness and modularity? Immediate employability? Quality? Non-Formal: Variety in quality and systems/goals Quality and worthiness of certification Recognition of prior learning Informal: Tracking (who, how, where, when, what) and quality Recognition and valorization of prior learning (portability of competences) BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Part 2: TVSD – looking backwards Complete package of reforms, national TVSD strategies (often system wide: formal, non-formal and informal), supported through a wide range of instruments such as NVQF, curriculum development, LAMIS systems, etc Characteristics Focus on supply (internal improvements often lacking flanking measures) High unemployment remains for TVSD graduates The problem in LDCs: characteristics of labour market: low demand! BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
What are NVQF and TVET reforms expected to deliver? Improved understanding of education system Increased coherence and coordination Increased access, transfer and progression Enhanced quality of learning Greater recognition of skills and learning (incl. informal) Increased mobility of learners and workers Regional/International recognition and alignment of qualifications Demand oriented education and training Enhanced opportunities for lifelong learning Improved employability of workers, productivity of enterprises and inclusive economic growth BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Goals of TVET support and NVQFs National Vocational Qualification Frameworks Effects in time PPP Certification and comparability Labour market improvement Social mobility relevance portability quality access Economic development TVET system improvement Other objectives BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Part 3: Findings of The ILO Study on NVQF Most success in improving communication Risk of over-specification and unused qualifications Little evidence of reduced mismatch between education and training and labour markets Little evidence of improved Recognition of Prior Learning Little evidence of improved access and mobility Little evidence of increased productivity BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Demand and Supply in the labour market: 4 types High skills equilibrium Skills shortage imbalance Econ growth Knowl Driven Econ Low purchasing Power econ Econ recession Low skills equilibrium Skills surplus imbalance Skills demand Skills supply BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
The components of a low skills equilibrium Low wages (low purchasing power) Low (demand) quality of products Low supply of high skills Low demand for high skills BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
The main track to tackle the low skills equilibrium – Improve the supply side TVET system reforms (incl NVQF) EVIDENCE? Better supply of high skills BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Part 4: any alternatives or flanking measures Occupational regulation and licensing Product standards Wage standards (minimum wages) BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
1. Tackling the demand side BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Regulating & licensing occupations = entry requirements for a specific profession Skills levels Quality of products Training of low skilled workers Wages rise No long term negative employment effects protectionism? by law or by professionnal board trustworthiness? BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
2. Tackling the product side BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Introducing Product quality standards Skills levels Training of low skilled workers More competitive in a regional and international market Protectionism World Trade Organisation Health and safety? BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
3. Tackling the working conditions BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Introducing minimum wages better qualified people employers will engage in training and production innovation Higher quality of products / higher productivity higher income and savings for the government delocalisation competitive disadvantage informal economy? Slighty negative effects on employment 1/10 and inflation BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Combining demand and supply approach higher wages Minimum wages NVQF Better supply of high skills higher demand for high skills Occupational regulation higher (demand) quality of products Product standards BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
LDCs: when and how to apply Combined minimal conditions: regulations, inspection, application of rules, improved training, support from private sector. Not all economic sectors Keep it simple Transition period Excluded: fragile situations and failed states Gradual approach BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
NVQF expectations reached? BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012
Conclusion Complex Theoretical advantages obvious Negative or perverse effects? Implementation challenges Need for testing BTC Education Sector Days - Burundi - 11 december 2012