WR091 Integrated Reading & Writing A Community of Scholars Examines Grit, Education, and Learning in the 21st Century WEEK 8 Monday, Nov. 14, 2016
Order of Business Monday, Nov. 14, 2016 Break Phrases and clauses Arrange the tables and chairs Sign in & place your name card on the desk. Quick Quiz Review of your essays: using the Read Aloud Method Review of your essays: using the Rubrics (Essay Evaluation Standards) Break Review of annotation, p. 22-23 Summarization Workshop Phrases and clauses Homework Due Wed, Nov. 16th
Quick Quiz You may use your library lesson notes. 1. Define the following terms. Use complete sentences: Authority Accuracy Bias Currency 2. Fill in the blank: The only bad bias is ______bias.
Library Lesson 2 Today we will be introduced to four elements of evaluation of sources: Authority: Who or what organization is responsible for the content of a website, an article, or other material? How can you figure out who produces a website, document, or other material? ) Accuracy : Are the facts verifiable? Are opinions represented as facts? How would go about checking them? Currency: When was the material published? Where do you look to find out? Bias: What is the purpose of the material? How can you check this out? Everything has bias. Remember, the only bad bias is hidden bias. Please refer to the handouts distributed in class and posted on the portal.
Reminders Your author reading project will be due on Monday, Nov. 21st, so you should schedule a time when you can go to hear a writer read from his or her book, and do it soon. Please see the handout on the portal for more details.
Homework Due Wed, Nov. 16th Read and annotate p. 22-23 in your WR091 Course Packet. Preview-Read “A New Kind of High School,” and as you do, find words and images you might want to look up for your Vocabulary and Visual Literacy Worksheets. Complete the following worksheets: Vocabulary (5 words), Visual Literacy, and Annotation for Outlining and Summarization In Grit, you should have read through Ch 9. (“Hope,” p. 169-195). Please note that Ch 6 (“Interest”), 7 (“Practice”), 8 (“Purpose”), and 9 are quick reads, unlike Ch 1-5. Complete 3 Roots of Meaning Worksheets for your Jigsaw Presentations on Wed., Nov. 16th
Questions? Call me (Mary), or better yet, text me at 503-784-1498 Stop by my office, AC2383, in the English Department (right in the middle of the hall!) Ask someone in the AVID Center or the Learning Success Center for help