English I: Tuesday, March 28 English II: Thursday, March 30 STAAR: English I & II English I: Tuesday, March 28 English II: Thursday, March 30
We - morial Board Policy: DEC – Local – page 7 of 22 Campus instructional employees may not use discretionary personal leave on the following days: scheduled District staff development days, the first or last day of a grading period, the first day of a semester, the last day of a semester, days scheduled for state-mandated tests (main administration dates), or days scheduled for end-of- semester or end-of-year examinations (secondary schools only). If an emergency surfaces, please email me, Jean, and Terri immediately. Also, please call or text me at 713.299.9808.
Review the Test Assignment Schedule (available online & via email) For starters Review the Test Assignment Schedule (available online & via email) Review it again the day before in case there are adjustments Communicate with your colleagues in person before the test. Notify Jean Landry of conflicts by Wednesday @ 3pm
Accommodations question? If a student in regular testing shares that s/he has accommodations, call Command Central to confirm.
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures No translating No rephrasing No assisting students No discussing the test No leaving the testing room without another trained person taking your place
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures Walls and Halls – your responsibility Place “Testing: Do Not Disturb” sign on your outside doors Seating Charts Every adult must sign in with times indicated First and last names for each student Document movement of students during testing Document date and test given All report to Alpha rooms. If over 30 after SPED removed, then move overage to neighboring room.
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures Answer Booklets are Pre-Coded Students do NOT bubble personal info (name, gender, grade, etc) Students write test book number on answer booklet Students bubble Form # “New to Texas” if student is new to Texas this school year Teachers bubble “S” in score code for present students only Date Not enough for 1 dictionary per student. Share as needed.
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures Read test directions verbatim. Pay attention to boxed instructions that sometimes need to be read (March/May Administrations; For ELLs, etc.) Dictionary/thesaurus can be used. They will be delivered to testing rooms prior to testing. Manage time for students by posting time updates on the board. A timing script will be provided in the bin. Not enough for 1 dictionary per student. Share as needed.
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures Active monitoring- need a break? Call Maria x2501 or Katie x2540 Use Time Sheet to record time reminders. Remind students to record answers on answer booklets. Only students may erase stray marks. Check answer booklet to ensure all answers are bubbled and writings completed when students turn in tests. Do not accept incomplete answer booklets without completing the “Blank Answer Document Report.” Record 3 hour mark, 2 hour mark etc on Timing Sheet also (bullet #2)
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures Fire Alarms Exit building as usual Take care of testing materials, close books and leave on desks No electronic devices for the entire session No cell phones, smart watches No iPods/MP3 players, etc No eBooks (Nooks, Kindles, iPads etc.) After testing students may read or rest, but no electronic devices allowed and no textbooks or school assignments allowed. If a student leaves campus, testing cannot be resumed. If a student needs to call home, send him/her to the grade-level office. Include student IDs when documenting issues.
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures Follow directions on how to return test materials Separate answer docs from test booklets Organize docs in alphabetical order Organize test booklets in numerical order Clip blank answer docs separately
Test Materials Pick Up & Return A-209 Teachers (mainly Blue & Aqua) prepare rooms for testing Test administrators pick up test materials each testing day from A-209 Bins labeled by room # so know your testing room # Test materials may be returned by any certified teacher Practice EOC/TAKS testing bins are grab & go!
Time Table 8:00 am - Take attendance & begin reading test directions 8:15 am - Start test “deadline” 1:17pm - All testers will have lunch from 1:17-2:06 2:11pm - All students will report to 8th period Use the Google Spreadsheet to document: Start Time Number of students still testing at 10:30, 11:30 & 12:30
“We”morial Study the testing Duty/Assignment documents now; email conflicts to Jean Landry by 3pm Wednesday Study the Master Schedule Notify your classes/foster children of room changes prior to testing days ALL are impacted in some way Know your role and responsibilities Test administrators pick up test materials each testing day; teachers prepare room for testing Test materials may be returned by any certified teacher
In closing… Ask questions Command Central ext. 2542 Read directions ASAP. Start test by 8:15 am; no announcement will be made. 5-hour time limit No bells, no announcements. Documents currently on Jean Landry’s webpage: Training PowerPoint STAAR/EOC Directions Master Schedule for March 28/March 30