Simulating Pesticides in Urban Runoff Model Development and Evaluation Ting Tang, Ann van Griensven, Piet Seuntjens, Jan Bronders 16/05/2017 IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2016
Pesticides are frequently used/ detected in urban areas/water Herbicides/insecticides/fungicides/biocides Various sources Extreme peak conc. Load from urban areas ≈ from agricultural areas How do pesticides behave on HS? How to quantify the loss from HS? Lawn Roadside Pavement Façade Aim: Develop an urban pesticide runoff model Spatial properties of urban areas Hard-surface processes previous exp. studies
A newly developed model for hard-surface pesticide wash-off Active phase Pesticide inputs (Partially) reversible sorbed phase distribution Distribution/Degradation/Wash-off/infiltration Six combinations of methods Different level of complexity Model tests using experimental data Added into WetSpa-Python: a spatially- distributed hydrological model Wash-off load wash-off wash-off Wash-off load Runoff Hard Surfaces Underling soil Figure not to scale Metabolites active phase (Partially) reversible metabolites sorbed phase distribution degradation degradation Infiltrated mass
Hard-surface wash-off tests using experimental data Different methods for hard-surface wash-off are suited for different wash-off profiles
Simulating Pesticides in Urban Runoff Model Development and Evaluation Ting Tang1,2,3*, Ann van Griensven2,4, Piet Seuntjens1,3,5, Jan Bronders1 1Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Belgium 2Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium 3University of Antwerp, Belgium 4UNESCO-IHE, Netherlands 5Ghent University, Belgium *Contact:; Acknowledgement: The work is funded by the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO, grant No.1310105 ). IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2016