Human Dynamics Unit 2: Relationships Lesson 3: Unhealthy Relationships
Part 1: Warning Signs Introduction Many people are in abusive relationships and sometimes they do not even realize it. There are different types of abuse such as sexual, physical, emotional, economic, and child. The need to recognize warning signs of abuse and prevent it is essential to healthy relationships. This section will look at unhealthy relationships and supports available to help people deal with abuse.
With any relationship, disagreements will occur between the individuals involved. Sometimes people do not have the necessary skills needed to deal with these problems and often this leads to abuse. When this occurs, an unhealthy relationship has developed.
Warning Signs A feeling that the individual is always correct and must make everyone else accept that opinion. Jealousy over other people. Critical of other peoples appearance. Use of threats either by facial expressions or damaging property. Very possessive of people. Depression and withdrawal from relationships. Become angry over insignificant incidents. Traditional views on the roles of men and women. Engaged in physical abuse towards others.
Abuse is defined as an improper treatment. Types of abuse include: Physical - any injury to another person that was not accidental. This may leave external or internal damage. Sexual - any forced or unwanted sexual contact. This can be touches, kisses or intercourse. These acts are usually committed by someone the victim knows, like a relative of family friend. Emotional - any language or non-physical action that is threatening to an individual. This does not leave visible marks on the person but destroys self-esteem. It could involve neglecting another individual by not providing love or support. Economic - controlling the finances in a relationship.
Abuse can only be stopped by reporting the incident and getting help Abuse can only be stopped by reporting the incident and getting help. Often victims are reluctant to tell others about their situation however it does not go away. The guidance councillor in each school knows where to get help. Also, health care professionals have training which can help. Every person should have an adult that they can trust and go to if assistance is required.
Test Yourself Which of the following situations is a warning sign of a abuse? Bill always makes decisions about where to go on a date and will not allow his partner to offer any suggestions. Margie is always making fun at the way her friends dress and tries to get them to buy clothes that she likes when shopping together. Sue only becomes angry after consuming alcohol and has hit her boyfriend just once during a party. Charlie does not want his girlfriend doing school projects with other boys and has threatened to break up with her if she ever does.
Activity Using the Internet, locate Making Waves: and answer the following questions: What is dating violence? Who can you go to for help? What can you do? Research and briefly describe the provincial legislation regarding sexual harassment in the workplace. Who is covered by this legislation?
Part 2: Violence in Relationships
Research Choose a high profile current event and complete the following in-class assignment: Summarize your initial feelings regarding the situation. Describe what you think happened. How do you think each of the following would view what happened: - the parents of the victim - the parents of the accused - the accused Activity Have a look at the following information from the Government of Canada: