The Kindergarten Weekly News Header Type here! The Kindergarten Weekly News 10/ 10/17-10/13/17 This Week’s Themes Our unit question for our 2nd reading unit is…How are animals and plants unique? The question of the week: What Can We Learn About Nature When We Look Closely? Our new theme this week is Bats. We will be learning facts about Bats and how they are unique. Reading and Literature Story: Nature Spy Comprehension: Setting Amazing Words: discover, spy, nature, acorn, pattern Sight Words: have, is, be Phonological Awareness: Syllables, blending onset and rime, initial sounds, distinguishing rhymes and blending sounds to produce a word Conventions: Proper Nouns Genre: non-fiction; informational text Letters: U, V, W, X Decodable Book: Themed Activities: Stellaluna sequencing and bat, Rhyming Bat hat, bat fact, How to draw a bat writing activity. Math This weeks Essential Question in Math: When saying any given number what does that number word mean? Objectives: Arrange analyze, and draw qualities of 1 more beginning with numbers other then 1, Order quantities, from 10-1 and match numerals, count down from 10-1 state one less than a given number, arrange number towers 10-1 and describe the pattern. Writing and Handwriting This week we in our Handwriting Without Tears program we will be learning how to write the letters U, V, W, X and continue practicing using the following verbiage when describing how to write/form the letters and numbers and they are all formed by using the following 4 Phrases: Big Line, Little Line, Small Curve, Big Curve. Please have your child complete the practice handwriting sheets that were sent home today in your child’s folder. We are also working in our journals and writing and drawing about the prompt that is given by teacher.
Important Dates to Remember Field Trip If for some reason you have not received a field trip information packet, please let your child’s teacher know so they can get you one. Please remember you need to take the volunteer training class to come with us on the field trip. Conferences You should have received a notice from your child’s teacher about Parent /Teacher Conferences. Please make sure you sign up using the web address the teacher sent home and not the school link that was sent out. If you did not receive this notice please contact your child’s teacher. You will be instructed to sign up for your conference on a website PTCFast. If you have any problems or questions with this please contact your child’s teacher. We look forward to see all of you in a few weeks to go over your child’s progress so far in Kindergarten! Important Dates to Remember October 12th-Volunteer training class @5:00 at Mirage October 13th- Scholastic book orders due October 16th-20th-Parent Teacher Conference week October 19th and 20th-Half Days October 27th-Field Trip October 31st-Fall Festival November 3rd-Half Day November 20th-24th- Thanksgiving Break Donation Station We are fast at work planning a fall festival for Tuesday, October 31st. We will be in need of volunteers in the morning and the afternoon on this day. We will also be asking for donations for the activities we have planned. We will be sending home information about this along with a sign up for volunteers and donations later this week, please let us know if you have any questions. Thank You!