Structuring your workforce for success
Agenda Importance of structure What is Organisational Planning? Challenges Our Organisational Planning Process Example Customers Q&A Our agenda for this session is to introduce ourselves and then we’ll be taking a look at the importance of structure, We’ll provide an overview of the important of structuring your workforce, what organisational planning means, the challenges it can address the process of aligning your talent to your organisations strategic goals. Then onto an example of business case, followed by a Q&A session where you’ll be able to ask any questions you may have.
Top Pressures Facing HR Leaders According to some recent research by the Aberdeen Group on here are some of the issues which are burning for HR leaders currently. They need to identify skill gaps to meet business demands, gain visibility into their talent and ensure readiness and flexibility with their workforce.
Evolving structure Day to day changes Changing strategy Setting objectives Reacting to changing conditions Acquiring or merging Restructuring Declining performance Your structure is continuously evolving. Even after any major changes to your structures, it should continuously evolve to keep apace with your changing commercial or legislative environment Every year, corporate strategy will differ as you set new business/organisational objectives, you will need to react to the ever-changing external commercial, economic and legal landscape, your organisation may aquire or merge with another and as a result of these changes, your structure will need to keep changing.
The Importance of Structure? On average, people account for 70% of cost Significant investment in top talent development - but it’s only half the equation. People / position alignment Are employees aligned with most pressing goals? Are employees aligned with each other? Organisations with most integrated approach to Talent Management: 50% lower staff turnover rate What’s the approach for managing structure? Let’s look at the importance of structure. Interestingly, on average, people account for 70% of the running costs of an organisation. Your average organisation invests significantly in developing its top talent – however, that’s only half the equation. When it comes to People – it’s important to ensure that they are aligned to the right positions Critical questions to ask would be: Are employees aligned with our most pressing goals? Are employees aligned with each other? And what’s our system for managing structure? So what defines a system? Well, you will need centralised data, access security, roles and responsibilities, workflow, reporting, audit trail and the ability to apply your own Business Rules to this. One way to assist in applying your own business rules is to look at organisational planning.
What is Organisational Planning? Discipline to create and adjust the organisational structure to meet business goals … then deploy people Strategy Target structure Current structure / Gap analysis Plan to get from point A to point B Capitalise on investment in people So what does organisational planning mean? What is it? Well, it’s the discipline to create and adjust your organisational structure to meet your business goals. And the deployment of your people. How does it help you? It enables you to gain organisational agility, to react quickly to changing internal or market conditions and align the organisation to effectively achieve goals. And why is it critical? Even with best talent, if not structured for success, they will stunt your growth. Organisations may not even know where their key talent lies or what the organisation needs at that point in time. Through organisational charts and conditional formatting, you can visualise the talent and skills you already have, identify gaps, and then ensure the right people are in the right roles and that you hire the most suitable new candidates.
Challenges Prevent loss of key talent and skills wastage Streamline structure and roles to improve efficiency Targeting under-utilisation and duplication Analyse impact Implement change quickly with minimum disruption Communicate effectively, ensure business continuity What are some of the challenges which organisational planning can address? When streamlining your workforce, it is key to ensure that you do not lose your key talent and performers. You do not want to be losing skills which are then difficult to replace. Your structure may need to be streamlined and roles may need to be re-aligned in order to improve efficiencies. You may need to identify any duplication/waste/under and over-utilisation. And How do you ensure that your employees do not loose their motivation during the change process? When rolling out a plan for change, you’ll want to achieve change quickly with minimum disruption, ensuring effective communication throughout and making sure that day to day operations continue to run smoothly
Keys to success for Organisational Planning? Executive leadership’s active support Developing a systematic planning methodology Operations and HR experts working and learning together Comprehensive workforce data and analysis, across the whole organisation Defining metrics to track success – eg average vacancy time; % internal appointments; cost per recruit; redundancy costs/total pay costs According to Aberdeen’s survey on Workforce Planning: Research found that most best-in-class companies involved the highest levels of executive leadership in workforce planning initiatives. All best-in-class companies screened and planned against competencies required for future business success. And all best-in-class companies adopted tools to integrate data from various sources for a comprehensive view of the workforce. Best-in-class companies were identified based on three performance metrics: 1) Decrease in employee turnover over past year 2) Key positions with ready and willing successors identified, and 3) Dept or Division with mid term workforce plans in place.
Organisational Planning Process What is the current state of our organisation? What’s our ideal future organisation? What is the talent we already have? What are the talent gaps? Who and what skills do we need to acquire? Our solution can help you to match individuals with positions. It can help you to answer the following key questions: What is the current state of our organisation? What’s our ideal future organisation? What is the talent we already have? What are the talent gaps? Who and what skills do we need to acquire?
How our solution can help How our solution can help? EXAMPLE USE CASE: Achieve 80% Growth in 5 years by expansion Benefits from addressing Promote and find internal talent – reduce churn Reduce external hiring by XX FTE’s @ 40% for 5 years Leverage investment in existing HR systems Gap Analysis identified No Visualization of HR data from existing systems No visibility into impact of Organizational changes “Hidden’ Talent” causing excessive external hiring costs Specific HumanConcepts Capabilities Hierarchical Visualization of HR data – Consolidated view Organizational modeling with impact analysis – ‘what if?’ Talent data mining to find internal candidates
How our solution can help?
How our solution can help?
How our solution can help How our solution can help? EXAMPLE USE CASE: Reduce natural churn and retain key talent by 50% over next 2 years. Benefits from addressing Leverage investment in existing HR systems Reduce external hiring by XX FTE’s @ 50% for 2 years Retain key Talent by building a succession & training plan Promote and find internal talent – reduce churn Gap Challenges Little or no career/succession planning currently Large “brand name” talent vendors are highly expensive “Hidden Talent” causing excessive external hiring costs Specific HumanConcepts Capabilities Hierarchical Visualisation of HR data – Consolidated view Intuitive drag-and-drop succession interface Talent data mining to find internal candidates
Supply Planning– manage the risk!
Succession Planning– manage the risk!
Example Customers US Europe Middle East We have a very diverse group of clients across industries and across the world, and we‘ve helped them solve the problems we‘ve talked about today with our solutions for change management.
Q & A
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Automated Visualisation as a Baseline
One interface / multi-dimensional metrics
Modelling future scenarios
Supply Planning– manage the risk!
Succession Planning– manage the risk!